The Adventures Of A Solopreneur

Ever wondered what some unskilled untalented, unimpressive, non charismatic anonymous nobody do to make money online?

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Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Enough is Enough

There is obviously some sort of terrorist agenda that needs the Russians to enter the world wide stage in a war against terrorism.

This blog is normally about business on the internet, by a pasifist.

But after the latest news from Russia, I will have no reservations against Mr Putin if he chose to blow Chechnya (?) to kingdom come.

I know it's wrong to think that, but when animals like these people are such cowards to hide themselves behind children they will never become martyrs. Murderers of children, no matter WHAT objective, are condemned by God to eternal torment and dishonour.

Killing children is not honourable. I can see the point of defending a country against occupying powers, but if you can't fight their soldiers then you are a coward for taking on children and civilians.

And cowards are a disgrace to themselves, their family and their cause. And they, their families and their country deserves any wrath that comes their way, no matter if this wrath is delivered by God or by man.



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