Systems & A Response
I'm being lazy today.
I posted this reply to a fellow member of the UK forum, and I thought it was quite a good description of what it is that I do to try to keep myself on track, i'll post it here as well - Enjoy:
I find it hard to focus on the things that needs doing.
I am helping myself with that issue by making myself accountable to the forum every Friday to make SOME kind of progress.
For instance, It is my goal this week to make some massive in roads on one project, while keeping the rest of them moving.
In order for me to be able to progress I have TWO main systems in place:
1. A goal for each of the projects I am actively working on.
My personal limit is 3. You need more than one to keep yourself from getting bored, but I can't cope with more than 3.
2. A Digital Idea bank.
My head is always full of ideas. I need an ideas bank to deposit them into so that I empty my head, knowing full well that they are safe until I want or need them ( I should REALLY run a backup soon, but I rely on my firewall software, my spyware detector and my antivirus to keep my system safe )
In addition I have a time management tool from an SFI website, the international assosciation of Home Based entrepreneurs or something which is really good, although I could do with a decent, simple, post it style "task ( to do ) list" manager
I tried GoalPro for goal setting but to be honest - for me it's not worth the bandwidth. Utter waste of hard drive space.
I digress.
What I guess I am saying is, write a list of the projects you have in your head in one column. In the next one write any obligations or deadlines you know you have to meet.
In my world it would then simply be a matter of picking the one ( or three ) you want to work on that week, and decide on what you would like to achive for each of those projects for that week.
I'd strongly recommend to set yourself easy targets. Like doing ONE action a day, as you are talking about building confidence.
I would also suggest holding off taking action on things that are new to you. This goes a little against what I guess is common to promote here ( as knowledge is the least important thing you need to succeed. ) but again it comes down to building confidence.
Having posted these Friday Progress Reports since I think mid March the ONE thing I can say is that my PROJECTS have developed alot slower than I have, BUT I need to grow in order to be ready to accept the success I'll achieve. I suspect it's the same for you.
You'll also see that I'd like to focus on what I DID actually do, instead of the things I did not do. Simply because if they didn't get done, all that meant to me is that I progressed at a little slower pace than what I had set myself, but I will still continue to progress next week. When I can catch up on those tasks.
But I am Still progressing!
Jon ( still progressing )
=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=
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