The Adventures Of A Solopreneur

Ever wondered what some unskilled untalented, unimpressive, non charismatic anonymous nobody do to make money online?

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Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Nicheology, Leverage & Residual Income.

On the Uk netmarketing forum this evening the discussion rages about what two most important affiliate lessons we can learn from

Without going into too much detail, nicheology's programme is based on a monthly membership subscriber site and pays affiliates on two tiers. Basically, what that means is that if I join, not only does the person who signed me up get a commission, but the person responsible for signing THAT person up gets paid too.

This it in my opinion the first lesson to learn:

By using a two tier system, the affiliates get leverage of their efforts because once they recruit a team under them, in their "first" tier, the will not only get paid on their own efforts, but also on that of their team.

This is in my opinion the second lesson to learn:

Residual Income
This is a major driver for network marketing companies like telecom plus and recently Kleeneze with their expensive telephone service.The repetitive nature of a membership site in that the one time effort brings in money month after month after month, is a powerful lesson. It is what attracts me to google adwords. It is the reason why I would want to create my own products online.

Will I sign up to this site to become a charter member?
You'll have to wait and see. and if you're already a member, and want my business, I suggest you post an affiliate link in your comment below!

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=


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