The Adventures Of A Solopreneur

Ever wondered what some unskilled untalented, unimpressive, non charismatic anonymous nobody do to make money online?

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I post my thoughts in this blog every weekday and at least once over the weekends and every Friday I post a Friday Progress post which details where I think I have progressed over the last week. Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

From A Salary To A Job - Why?!?

I'm in Hastings this week and have written this on a pad with a green pen. Horrid to read for me, but here you go: Wednesdays post:

I am watching yet another episode of the Channel 4 programme " Risking it all", and I can not believe how much aggravation people are willing to put themselves through, or how badly thought through their ideas appear to be.

This week a couple wanted a better work life balance than their joint £60K income could give them, so they set out to open a ladies fashion store. They did this because that way they thought they could get more time to spend with their kids.

They took action at least, but why on earth would I open a high street shop where I would have to be in the store all day ( no "manager" you see... ) if what I wanted was more spare time?!?

If you hadn't noticed already, I am a lazy sod, and to me, it doesn't make sense to put myself in a situation where my income is dependent on me being there. I already have a job where I get paid by the hour. So why replace it with more of the same?

I like the process of creating new things. It could be my project orientated work background or it could be because I get bored with routine.

So if I aim to play to MY strenghts and minimise the relevance of my weaknesses it is obvious to me that my business should be about developing new and unrelated products every so often. and market them separately

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=


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