Spreading The Word: Google!
As I told you in my previous post, a friend of mine stayed over this weekend - great fun if not a little damaging to my brain cells.
Yesterday afternoon as the rain poored down on the newly moved boulders he asked me what this google advertising was all about.
I told him the gist of it, showed him some of the campaigns and gave him some of the free materials that I have accumulated over the last 7 months.
The scary thing was that I assumed that he knew what I was talking about. I even forgot to explain that the bids he placed on the cost per advert was max cost he was willing to pay...
I can't believe how much I have actually learnt in these 7 months...
I mentioned to my wife that the writing that I do here and on a few forums seems to be paying off in that it is becoming easier to write a few paragraphs on any subject.
Her response?
"Yeah, it's beginning to sound meaningful too"
I don't know quite how to take that, so until I do, she's sleeping on the sofa!
Jon ( still progressing )
=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=
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