The Adventures Of A Solopreneur

Ever wondered what some unskilled untalented, unimpressive, non charismatic anonymous nobody do to make money online?

Follow My Progress Here!

I post my thoughts in this blog every weekday and at least once over the weekends and every Friday I post a Friday Progress post which details where I think I have progressed over the last week. Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

The Curse Of Distractions

For various reasons I have found the last couple of days full of distractions, trying to get me off course. It is as if when things are running too smoothly, divine intervention decides to test my resolve by throwing a few spanners in the works.


I think I have coped quite well as I have compensated for the lack of product related progress by adding more self development stuff. And I have restructured my daily “routine” slightly so that I can create more content.


I do get the feeling sometimes that I might come across as self obsessed, or what’s the word? Unable to fail? Like I am full of my self and constantly congratulating myself  for what I am achieving, but I ain’t perfect and I know that. I think I handle some situations well, and I know when I handle things badly. But I do find that the more accepting I am of things, or open, then the easier it gets to handle things.


Because I choose to deal with distractions positively and accept that they are a part of life, then the better I feel about it.


Mind you the fact that I haven’t managed to prepare a single new website review this week yet is a bit of a worry, but I have committed to it and I just HAVE to do it.


Distractions or no distractions.




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