The Adventures Of A Solopreneur

Ever wondered what some unskilled untalented, unimpressive, non charismatic anonymous nobody do to make money online?

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I post my thoughts in this blog every weekday and at least once over the weekends and every Friday I post a Friday Progress post which details where I think I have progressed over the last week. Enjoy!

Saturday, June 26, 2004

My rant

I'm not perfect - and I don't like to think I am. My biggest fear is that I come across as someone who think he is all that. Things go wrong and I react badly. And that happens often. Especially if it is JOB related. But I just tend to ignore those things when writing this blog.

But today has been a royal fowl up of a day I tell you - So I will share with you what it is that will make me go off on the deep end!

Some how my so called spyware and antivirus software isn't so much blocking infections.

No, in true French and European fashion this software just sits there and watches things get out of hand, and state obvious things like - That is not a good thing to happen. Or "we need to discuss with the virus how we can best achieve a solution that can let us both live harmoniously side by side".

How do you try to coexist with something that considers you a Virus!?! Or that we consider malicious?

yet my software has no understanding for the fact that a computer virus is not something I can live with when it issues the following statement:

" Virus X is performing a malicious action. Please run antivirus software to quarantine the active virus"

Excuse me in my ignorance but I thought that would be - erm YOUR job!? seeing as you have Anti and VIRUS in your name?!?

So instead of getting some work done today, I have wasted a whole day trying to sort out my machine because some pimple faced greedy, weed head in Manilla wants me to spend money on some stupid casino. It's a weird one too, as it seems to launch itself directly off the website itself. So when I get things up and running again, a certain something in the IE settings will get disabled.

But for now, at least I can enjoy the fact that the Swedes are out of the Championship. Only I can't do that properly either as the Dutch won the match, and I like the Dutch Football team less than the Swedish one.

It's on days like these I wish I had more alcohol in the house!

But as Abbie says in the film "Cats and dogs" when asked What's wrong:

"nothing a rooftop and an ak47 can't fix"

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=


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