Self Improvement - A Goal or A Means?
Do you read self improvement books with a passion, lovingly absorbing and nodding to every line you read?
Is it becoming a passion to learn as much about yourself as possible? Do you enjoy reading self improvement books or inspirational books more than anything else? Unless it was to go to a self improvement seminar or listen to a self improvement tape?
Is self improvement becoming your hobby?
The reason I am asking is that I don't figure out where people have the time to spend on self improvement as I sure don't have the time!
I have a Jim Rohn book i dip into now and again. I flick through it when I am in the thinking box ( toilet ) - I have one or two other books I look through as I pass their strategic location. I have two tapes that I slap into the cassette player once in a blue moon.
And the main reason for this lack of "passion" for self improvement is that I don't have the time to do more.
I devote time to it, sure. But just a few minutes a day, as it is a means. It is good for my confidence. It helps me figure out how to motivate myself & it helps me improve my game in other parts of my life.
But if I were to devote more time to it, then it would for me at least be counter productive. I don't need more ideas. I don't need to know more about Jim Rohn. I need to progress with my projects, and the only way I can do that is bay taking action and staying motivated.
And I will read enough self improvement to learn things that can help me motivate myself.
So are your reading habbits stopping you from taking action?
Googlecash was a case of taking action and see what happens.
My money story was for me a basic lesson in completing something I set out to do. That is my achievement.
The next level is to generate the traffic, while I continue to create content and research my next venture.
Now, I got another review to write.
Jon ( still progressing )
=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=
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