Thinking For Progress
This evening has been a long hard slog.
Well not really. I have 4 items on my to-do list and I have finished two of them and started on the other two.
What I have found in the last couple of days, is that if I write down my tasks around 7:30 - when I am allowed to start playing with the "net" - it is significantly easier to stay on track.
But do you have a voice in your head that constantly asks you: "that thing you're doing now - is that progressing you towards your goals?"
Somehow I have. I can't tell you when it started, but it is recent. It is as if my brain is looking for ways to help me progress, and every so often, instead of throwing negative statements at me, it's simply asking me if i think I am doing the right thing.
Again, I have no idea when this started, but it might have something to do with how I talk to myself when I am up against a challenge.
Instead of I can't, I try to say how CAN I? Don't get me wrong, if I can't drive- I don't ask myself how can I drive, but rather, How can I get to where I need to be?
A better web based example is related to the way I am setting up my website at the moment. Money is an issue, in that I have chosen not to get into debt to finance my adventure, so if I want an auto responder or a forum I want to look for more creative ways to achieve things without spending money left right and center.
So I would ask myself:
If I don't want to spend extra money getting those things, how can I get them anyway?
I bet you just thought of at least one possibility right?
See? that's how your brain works. Ask it a question, or tell it something, and it will go all out to find you an answer, or to carry out your instruction.
So are you telling your brain that it CAN'T do something, or are you asking it for help?
Jon ( still progressing )
=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=
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