The Adventures Of A Solopreneur

Ever wondered what some unskilled untalented, unimpressive, non charismatic anonymous nobody do to make money online?

Follow My Progress Here!

I post my thoughts in this blog every weekday and at least once over the weekends and every Friday I post a Friday Progress post which details where I think I have progressed over the last week. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

I got on My bike!

This morning I was absolutley shattered when my sons cold wet hands pulled on my big toe. So when I realised he had actually "overslept" and wandered in almost an hour and a half after he normally does, I had every excuse NOT to go out on my bikeride. Too many people were already up, the traffic would be bad, I'd look stupid infront of lots of people, I wouldn't have time to get around my route and have a shower and have a nice breakfast without being late for work.

Well my old self had anyway.

Come to think of it I am still my old self. Only now I have reasons to do what I do. And I have the accountability that I want to help me do it. And I have the right attitude to just go ahead and do it.

To be honest, at my current fitness level, the trip doesn't last long before I struggle, and so it is a short trip. But it is getting me out there. And the whole idea is to do this because my fitness level is a busines risk should I become a business owner. So I keep the end in mind: I am doing this so I can become a self employed success that will have the time and money to see machu pichu under my own steam.

And I'm too heavy to go go-cart racing!

So I got up, got dressed, fixed my hair ( if I am going to be looked at then at least I have to make sure my hair looks good!) and got on my bike.

Did you get on your bike today?

My to-do list for this evening:

Collate and add the Marketing research findings to the business plan
Help Pauline with the bid proposal for the business
Download the google spreadsheet with my results in it.
Transfer at least on review to the new site.
work more on the business plan
walk in my customers shoes

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=


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