The Adventures Of A Solopreneur

Ever wondered what some unskilled untalented, unimpressive, non charismatic anonymous nobody do to make money online?

Follow My Progress Here!

I post my thoughts in this blog every weekday and at least once over the weekends and every Friday I post a Friday Progress post which details where I think I have progressed over the last week. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Alien Vs Predator

Went to a Sales team meeting in London yesterday.

Boy did it bring back memories. No, I have never had a sales job in my life. At all. My degree was a business degree in international management and had a lot of "wannabe consultants" in the course.
The conversations we used to have in the student bar were EXACTLY like the one's I listened to last night. And they were seriously alien to me, but familiar at the same time.

8 years in a techie environment had me forget my heady days of business studies, but last nights even brought it back home again.

And the predatorial attitudes still prevail.

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=


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