Newbie Upgrades to Amateur
Just realised that my one year anniversary as a google advertiser has come and gone.
So I am officially upgrading myself to an amateur.
Apparently I am seen as someone who is so organised, dedicated and knowledgeable, but where that notion comes from I don't know:
my office has a sofa bed permanently open as a bed. However, you can't sleep in it as it is full of bags, books, a rubbish bin, coat hangers and some computer bits.
there are 4 chairs in my office, two of which are broken. They have been here now for so long I consider them part of the family and I can't really get myself to throw them out.
there are 4 printers, 4 computers ( two dead ones, but remain for historical and sentimental purposes )two book cases sagging under the strain of all the books and other rubbish on them. and then there is also my wifes desk.
in 3 weeks there must also be room in here for another printing machine, a book binding machine ( ring bound ) and 15000 paperbacks and 3000 hardback books.
how this will happen I don't know.
what I DO know is that:
-all it takes to move forward is ONE step at a time.
so I set myself 3 goals a week, one for every other day. Unlike Gary for instance, I don't even challenge myself to do one thing per DAY, just one thing every OTHER day.
I have a job. I don't need MORE work, but less of it. I realise I am not exactly going about it the right way when I buy 18 000 books on a hunch ( and 3-4 weeks of reseach ), which leads me on to the NEXT point I have learned this last year:
- stop yourself from doing nothing.
I am not a man of big efforts. I have said to others before you; there are two kinds of people - those that forever keep themselves busy, just to avoid being idle. they will do ANYTHING to avoid it. Their problems are often manifested by too many ideas and never acting ENOUGH on any of them.
I belong to the other group. I strive for idleness. It is in my soul to achieve a state of absolute nothingness. So in order for me to be able to achieve anything, I need a regularly maintained barrier to keep me from being idle, and for me that is my blog, and my friday progress reports.
- Do what's right for YOU
focus, focus focus. if you don't know what you want, anything you do will get you closer to where you want to be. If you're here, but didn't get here becuase you have a dream, then you got here because you are trying to get away from something, and the only way to get away from something you don't like is to leave it behind.
and you know how to leave something behind don't you? walk away from it!
- if you have your own dream, focus on it and focus on getting it at your own speed, and enjoy the fact that other people are achieving their success.
This one I strictly speaking didn't learn in a year. It was drummed into me during my MLM days that dreaming was importand and focusing on your own dream was important, but not as important as being happy for other peoples successes. Other peoples success can be disheartening. They were for me, and some times still are, so I try to stop comparing my progress with other peoples.
The "jealousy" I speak of above is a significant barrier for me, but the more I train my focus on the dreams I have and the tasks I need to complete, the easier it becomes for me to take a genuinely positive attitude to other peoples success stories - because it reaffirms that MY dream is achievable too. So the barrier crumbles and becomes a stepping stone.
If you already get that feeling of "hey, thins thing could work for me too!" from the success stories on this forum, then you have one less barrier to deal with. Pick an idea and just COMPLETE it. Sod if it works or not. MY first idea that I launched still hasn't earnt me any money, but it got me into the entrepreneur mindset. ( one good idea is not enough, put many ideas into action, one at a time, and one day, a good one will work )
If you still struggle with the self doubt, like" but I don't know what it takes, I don't know if I will succeed, all I have to say to you is the following two things:
get over youself, any moron is making money online. You're NOT special enough to mess this up. all it takes is work.
and about 80 per cent of your attempts will not work. That is just the way it is.
They key is to learn from the mistakes and keep on going until you hit the 20 per cent that works.
you don't know what it takes? count yourself lucky! the less you know about it the better, because then you'll be more ready to take on board good advice. Do you think I know anything about making, publishing and selling books? not on your life! but I know people that do! lots of them. And I ask them for advice on how to proceed.
thirdly, just PICK one of your ideas and get started!
if someone else have thought of it, or if someone else thinks it's a bad idea, so what? it's gotten you on the internet property ladder! So what if it's in a "bad neighbourhood" or the colour of the roof looks strange? at least it's YOURS.
I said I had two things to mention and I am already on point four. in THAT lies the following lesson:
There's usually twice as much left to do, than you thought there would be when you started.
Jon ( still progressing )
=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=
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