Weekend Update
This weekend has on many levels been one of contemplation and reflection.
I'm not sure what brought it on, as it isn't an "online anniversary" or anything.
My friday progress reports only started in March, and I have been promoting with adwords since about September. So it couldn't have been that.
Regardless of the cause of this bout of reflection I still spent most of the spare time of the weekend to think about how I could organise my online ventures differently to save myself some time. I have two and a half hours to my official disposal every evening, and up to an hour of that would usually be spent writing to this blog. The remaining hour and a half, which should be lots of time, is spent on Adwords and money tip reviews, which leaves no time for research into new markets, never mind preparing for the newsletter & articles I need to write every Sunday.
Which I have yet to publish this week by the way. In addition I should be submitting articles and posting on money saving forums.
My excuse is that I need more time to do it all. To be honest, I am beginning to think that no matter how much time I had, I would still not have enough of it.
I am also wondering what I could do in ways of creating products I can charge for.
For now I guess I should take care of my back ache.
Hmmm. Maybe 48 hours stuck in a bed with backpain could have caused this contemplation?
Jon ( still progressing )
=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=
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