Friday Progress In New Clothes
Hi, I'm trying a new format this week. let me know if it's any better than what I've done before. The format that is!
How I'm Doing This week:
It feels like a mixed week as I did get my money tips out, although a lot later than I wanted to. I also blatantly forgot to work on my ebook.
I have maximum of 15 hours officially to my disposal every week- but I probably do more like 25. I know I spend maybe 4 to 6 hours on adwords and the rest on blogging, articles, newsletter and reviews. Oh and time wasting. And website issues, learning new things and learning about myself.
The list is longer than I remembered it to be, but at the same time it's not much of an achievement. More than Nothing is better than nothing. Sets me apart from 95 % of people out there aparently. But I am stealing 10 hours of sleep or family time every week which in my book is bad.
New things I will do:
I am not going to mention new goals or anything on Fridays any more. I will do that on my weekend post instead, with an update on progress mid week.
What I will do on Fridays instead is in this section I will mention my weekly Kaizens - my new things that I am going to start doing.
A KAIZEN is a small, insignificant step, but one that brings progress in one way or another. I might mention as few or as many as I feel like.
Things I am Dropping:
This week, that would be to publish my weekly goals on a Friday. I will do that on Sundays most likely, after publishing my newsletter
This weeks lessons:
I always seem to learn a lot every week. This week for instance I have realised that whenever I have to write these Friday progress reports, the list of things I have done and achieved is always longer than I imagined it would be. And it feels nice to discover that every week! I start out writing things like: " It's been a mixed week - I have only done this, that, the other, that bit, the other one, and this one over there and another one too. Plus the two I forget every week. So all in all I've done quite a a lot!" which get a bit contradictory! But it still feels darn nice to discover it!
It has also (finally!! ) begun to sink in that when I don't feel like doing something - I should just go and do it straight away. Not only does that make me "challenge my comfort zone" which supposedly is quite important, but it means I won't be wasting time thinking about doing something that might be uncomfortable.
A third and final lesson is about Gurus. I just had confirmation that they are nothing special. They just got lucky, and some of them forget this and THINK because people come to them with generous JV offers that they ARE special. Someone that started learning what I want to learn a day before me can be my expert. They do after all know what it is like to go through their first day learning the subject. So just like it is among mortals, gurus can be dumb too.
It just strikes me as odd that when they concentrate on building up a reputation, they are more interested in making a fast buck than to protect their brand name. Not that I have one worth protecting yet, but I most certainly wouldn't like to stake my reputation on a bad, illegal or ethically questionable product. But they have revealed themselves to be human after all.
This weeks audience question:
Would it be better to have your newsletter come out on a predictable day and time, or randomly within each week?
Jon ( still progressing )
=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=
At 12:40 PM,
Mal Smith said…
Having just started looking at your blog I hope you don't mind me pointing out what I think is a flaw. Too many 'Fiday progress' titles! Suggestion: give every blog posting a title related to that contained within in it.
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