The Adventures Of A Solopreneur

Ever wondered what some unskilled untalented, unimpressive, non charismatic anonymous nobody do to make money online?

Follow My Progress Here!

I post my thoughts in this blog every weekday and at least once over the weekends and every Friday I post a Friday Progress post which details where I think I have progressed over the last week. Enjoy!

Friday, August 06, 2004

FP- Sideways Is Also Progress

Hello and let's get cracking. There's not much to say this week so I might just get it over with.

How I'm Doing This week:

Well I have sent off one as yet unpublished article to as they were looking for stories on honeymoons.

My website is targeting the UK market place so other than trying to get a foothold on some of the money forums and searching in vain for uk specific article directories, there isn't much else I have done.

I have signed up to the Adwords Mentor website and by tweaking a campaign that was suffering a little I have now twice as many sales this week compared to last week.

I haven't mentioned adwords since about April as I vowed to keep it running as was until August. August is now here and I am ramping up for the Christmas show down.

The merchants are touting the back to school offerings but I have yet to find many positive looking keywords for that market so I am inclined to not bother, unless a particular product offering leaps out at me.

I am looking actively to buy a business with a positive cashflow to replace my salary. That way I would in theory be able to "retire" from the corporate world sooner rather than later. We have so far rejected about 25 possibles, but think we have found one that suit our interests, that has a market with high demand and has run successfully since 1999. Just need to make sure the numbers add up I suppose.

And that we have a clear idea of what we can do to improve it.

I have also finally established a test website for a PHP and Mysql managed content website. Now all I need to figure out is how to change the design!

New things I will do:

None. I have too many outstanding current "actions" as it is! although I have bought a software development package as I have two product ideas for the money website. 

Things I am Dropping:

This weeks lessons:

I feel that I have not contributed as much as I hoped on my "main project" this week as I should, but I think some times, I need to remember that it isn't the PROJECTS that are important but what I am trying to achive with my life that is important.

So when I have dedicated as much time as I have to investigate the market, the suppliers, the customers and the rest, then that is because I think that will bring me closer to my goals.

I know this is an excuse, but I do this for the lifestyle that I want. Too lofty a goal Gary tells me, but it is the reason I do it. The vision of being able to go to Machu Pichu when I want to, is better I suppose, but the over riding factor for me is:

I will not do anything that will take over my life, unless it is enjoyable, and give me the freedom to work it from anywhere in the world.

And my biggest problem is that I don't know what I enjoy! :o)

This weeks audience question:

Anyone know how to modify PHP pages?


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