The Adventures Of A Solopreneur

Ever wondered what some unskilled untalented, unimpressive, non charismatic anonymous nobody do to make money online?

Follow My Progress Here!

I post my thoughts in this blog every weekday and at least once over the weekends and every Friday I post a Friday Progress post which details where I think I have progressed over the last week. Enjoy!

Friday, July 23, 2004

FP- Doing Nothing On My To-Do List Was Good For Me

Yet another installment of my Friday Progress I am afraid. Thank you by the way to those of you that have told me on this forum and in person how much you appreciate me posting these updates.
It's a strange experience for me I tell you to have people I hardly know tell me they enjoy something that I do for my own benefit.
So thank you very much.
How I'm Doing This week:

On my blog I posted yesterday that this was a week for re-balancing myself.

Which means I didn't do any of the things I said I was going to do! I hope we all have weeks like this!
I also mentioned in the post that not doing what I set out to do made me feel uncomfortable. Maybe even a little guilty. To be honest I was really fed up with everything and everyone. But it was possible that this discomfort was trying to teach me something. I'm still not sure what it was, but it also made me conviced that I can't avoid discomfort.

If there is something I don't like, I might need to spend some time looking at why it is making me uncomfortable. If I don't like dealing with hassle that might happen on a forum like this, maybe my brain is trying to tell me that I am going about it the wrong way. Maybe it isn't trying to tell me to stay away from this sort of hassle, but asking me to consider other ways of dealing with it.

Either way, my re-balancing act gave me a chance to reflect on the old and ask about the new. and a good few people took the time to respond to my forum posts. I was particularly grateful for Andy Henrys response on a thread on this forum as it came at a time where I needed to read what he wrote. Thanks.
Other people offered words of encouragement and even gave me an ebook so I could read up and find some of the answers that I was looking for on Martins Forum. That was of tremendous help in getting me out of the midset I was drifting into.

On the day that Martin mentioned my post, I was having a dreadful day and at the end of the day, I sat down and wrote in my blog. And I had to reflect on what had happened that day. And because of the nice people that responded to me, I had to concede that the day hadn't been a total waste. In fact, as I read my post back, I had to find it quite an inspiration that people can be this nice.

New things I will do:

Well, I have yet to apply the marketing tactics of actually submitting my articles to any directories. So I will, come hell or high water, submit at least ONE article this week to a directory.
and the ebook. well. I will spend 4 hours on it this weekend.

Things I am Dropping:

The early morning writing "sessions". At least for the time being as I am as dead as a dodo before 9am - which makes me a bit of a road hazard! Shame really as the days where I start to work before 8 usually turn out to be very productive days.

This weeks lessons:
I think you'll find most of my lessons mentiond at the top of this post!

But. Maybe. Sometimes, not doing what I set out to do can be a good thing. Sometimes you just don't feel like doing what you're supposed to be doing, so should I still do it? Should I bother?
I had a week like that this week, but in spite me completing absolutely no tasks that I had set out to complete, I still managed to move forward, but in a different direction than I anticipated. I don't think it's very productive to act like that very often, but I also found it to be quite depressing to feel guilty about not doing something I should be doing because I enjoy it.

It is so easy to dwell in this guilt, and to be honest I pretty much was for most of the week. But sod it, if I need a week of rest, then I'll take a week of rest! It has also made it quite clear that the format is far more work than I anticipated, and maybe I should consider opening it up to others writing some of the reviews and articles. Or turn them into a email course, or ebook.

And I also learnt masses about myself. For instance, I am getting increasingly better at talking myself UP. These Friday Progress Reports help tremendously, but so do the daily posts on my blog. Like a diary, they make me reflect on the days events, and because I focus on the positive lessons I can extract from the days events, it makes me feel good.

Which can't be bad ;o)

This weeks audience question:
Would it be useful to have a website with all these little reports collected in one place? I have a fair few by now, and the philosophy is getting clearer in my head

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=


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