Rocket up my backside!
When I wrote my report last week I mentioned that a video made me wonder how specific I had to be about the problems I wanted to solve for customers.
(like the abundance of landfill material we have- can that material be used up or consumed in some way that generates a benefit for society above and beyond simply removing materials from landfills? Did you for instance know that a landfill site generates a significant amount of heat? Can that be harnessed in some way? yes (follow the link)
I then started thinking about how detailed I am when I plan (and I use the term loosely..) my projects, my business or my life and I remembered a picture I drew when I was 25 or 26 and was working in Dublin as a team leader in a call centre.
Funnily enough, I am the sort of guy that grows with responsibility... throw me in at the bottom and I behave like it, but give me responsibility and I thrive on it - so when I was made team leader I started thinking more about career, self development, motivation and so on. And it resulted in a simple yet ingenious way of mapping out my development.
Yet it took me until this week to realize what was missing from it. And when I adapted and updated the original picture with my new findings it made perfect sense.
So as a result, The 5 hours I had spare on Thursday was spent getting the first 20 steps of my publishing projects completed.
Other than having a PA ( who I must admit no longer works for me ) I have not found anything as effective at getting me to take action! In fact this is equally effective.
And because I have a 60 hour a week work week, the Phil Wiley kitchen timer principle works even without the kitchen timer - simply because I only have x number of minutes in any given day to actually do anything with my online stuff. So I have to cram in what I can in those minutes. And I have to cram in what makes the biggest difference in terms of progressing my projects, my business or my life.
and I find this system of planning central to my future success.
As is the fact I have about 4 hours a week to work.
I guess it is a bit like "the 4 hour work week" meets "How to get from where you are to where you want to be" - neither books I have read by the way.
Oh, I have said somewhere that I never finish self development books - that is not entirely true. I have read one from cover to cover.
I did not even finish the "booklet" by Jim Rohn called 7 strategies for wealth and happiness because it so obviously did not deliver the whole message.
These books bore me because they always tell you what to do, but never HOW to do it.
Anyway, the way I am going at the moment, I'm sure I'll have enough material for my own self help book before long!
Not that anyone would be interested in what systems I use, as they haven't resulted in anything in all the years I have tried.
But carving away all the BS and useless stuff from my to do lists I certainly have more clarity about my business direction.
So in summary - to succeed as an online entrepreneur, I need to work 60 hours a week and then follow my own system in the 4 hours I have available every week.
Easy! And not entirely obvious!
Jon ( still progressing )
=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=
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