The Adventures Of A Solopreneur

Ever wondered what some unskilled untalented, unimpressive, non charismatic anonymous nobody do to make money online?

Follow My Progress Here!

I post my thoughts in this blog every weekday and at least once over the weekends and every Friday I post a Friday Progress post which details where I think I have progressed over the last week. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

In Malta

Not much to say other than that it is sunny!!

From a marketing perspective, there are lots of opportunities to improve the savvie ness of the businesses here!

On to the bar!

( on an expensive perminute charged internet cafe. )

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Partial success - sort of.

Doesn't this get booring for you?

I mean, my life is quite tedious from where I am sitting. The evenings are pretty much the same:
I get home from work, have dinner, play with my son, get him to bed and then sit in front of the computer for at least 2 hours - usually four - and I spend a lot of time "researching".

Well I have done SOME of the actions I set out to do:

  • I got the newsletter out!!!!
  • I have finished the design of the site - well for now anyway. It should not be a priority for a long time
  • I had one trip on my bike and a long walk yesterday. I need to up this a bit more as my resting pulse is a massive 68bpm
  • The business plan - WELL. We did one. We sorted out a bank account for the business. We sorted out the business loan and business payment card. We got the contract vetted by a solicitor, I found eve more industry statistics, I had a call with my publishing mentor and sorted out overall business strategies for a number of different areas, and organised the vans for relocating the business stock & equipment.
As I said two days ago - the rest of them couldn't have been important enough.

For the next 48 hours I will only commit to go to the seminar, get ready for holiday and then prepare for the business take over.

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Tuesday, September 14, 2004


Didn't get MUCH done, but got a LITTLE done.

Did 3 of them:
  • Exercise
  • shopping category
  • Brainstorming
The other 3 can't have been important enough!


  • I MUST get out the newsletter before thursday, assuming the website is back up again. It is still not an excuse though ( although it is!! How am I supposed to get things done when the admin site of my autoresponder goes down!?? They don't tell you about that in the sales pages do they? B##tards! They won't beat me! )
  • Migrate the insurance reviews. There's only about 4
  • Business Plan (!)
  • Finish the design of the site: font size & font colour.
  • Write a new article
  • 2 trips on my bike ( or alternative fitness method )( Taibo)

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Sunday, September 12, 2004

48 Hour Marathon

Before the end of Tuesday evening I will:
  • Complete the shopping category on my site
  • Write a newsletter for the site, letting everyone know it's moved & letting them know that we are seeking writers for the articles
  • Send out the newsletter
  • Go on my bike, or at least exercise for the same time & intensity

  • Add one article & 2 reviews

  • Brainstorm with Pauline 4 the new business

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Thursday, September 09, 2004

24 hour Mad rush!

With around 24 hours to go I look set to have alot of work on for tomorrow.

Tomorrow morning I am riding my bike for the 3rd time this week.

My Spreadsheets for google are now up to date.

But I have 4 reviews to migrate before the Shopping section is completely migrated. There were 11 of them to move in this the biggest section, so i haven't done too badly. Now all I need to do is move the rest of them

and start to think about what to aim for next week.

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

I got on My bike!

This morning I was absolutley shattered when my sons cold wet hands pulled on my big toe. So when I realised he had actually "overslept" and wandered in almost an hour and a half after he normally does, I had every excuse NOT to go out on my bikeride. Too many people were already up, the traffic would be bad, I'd look stupid infront of lots of people, I wouldn't have time to get around my route and have a shower and have a nice breakfast without being late for work.

Well my old self had anyway.

Come to think of it I am still my old self. Only now I have reasons to do what I do. And I have the accountability that I want to help me do it. And I have the right attitude to just go ahead and do it.

To be honest, at my current fitness level, the trip doesn't last long before I struggle, and so it is a short trip. But it is getting me out there. And the whole idea is to do this because my fitness level is a busines risk should I become a business owner. So I keep the end in mind: I am doing this so I can become a self employed success that will have the time and money to see machu pichu under my own steam.

And I'm too heavy to go go-cart racing!

So I got up, got dressed, fixed my hair ( if I am going to be looked at then at least I have to make sure my hair looks good!) and got on my bike.

Did you get on your bike today?

My to-do list for this evening:

Collate and add the Marketing research findings to the business plan
Help Pauline with the bid proposal for the business
Download the google spreadsheet with my results in it.
Transfer at least on review to the new site.
work more on the business plan
walk in my customers shoes

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Half Way Without moving

my friday progress report this week included 3 goals:

=> On my bike 3 mornings before next Friday. (while it is moving at speed)
=> Get one more review categories relocated to the new server by Friday
=> No goal for google. Other than to keep the spreadsheet current.

I have been out once on the bike this week. I am going out tomorrow morning and Thursday as well.

I have started work on the next review category. Deadboring but a great lesson in that if you start off wrong, you'll pay for it later!

Google spreadsheet? Yikes!

I'd better go and dig it out!

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Friday, September 03, 2004

Centennial Post - On A Friday!

I would not expect to post here on a Friday as my Friday Progress reports have moved to

But I thought it would be cool to congratulate myself with the 100th post in this blog.

So congratulations Jon.

For the weekend, my main goals are to:

- go for a bike ride.
- Attend accountability call on Saturday morning.
- Visit the current owners of a business I am considering buying.

to support the 3rd goal I will spend some time researching, and most of my time traveling to where they are.

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Enough is Enough

There is obviously some sort of terrorist agenda that needs the Russians to enter the world wide stage in a war against terrorism.

This blog is normally about business on the internet, by a pasifist.

But after the latest news from Russia, I will have no reservations against Mr Putin if he chose to blow Chechnya (?) to kingdom come.

I know it's wrong to think that, but when animals like these people are such cowards to hide themselves behind children they will never become martyrs. Murderers of children, no matter WHAT objective, are condemned by God to eternal torment and dishonour.

Killing children is not honourable. I can see the point of defending a country against occupying powers, but if you can't fight their soldiers then you are a coward for taking on children and civilians.

And cowards are a disgrace to themselves, their family and their cause. And they, their families and their country deserves any wrath that comes their way, no matter if this wrath is delivered by God or by man.
