The Adventures Of A Solopreneur

Ever wondered what some unskilled untalented, unimpressive, non charismatic anonymous nobody do to make money online?

Follow My Progress Here!

I post my thoughts in this blog every weekday and at least once over the weekends and every Friday I post a Friday Progress post which details where I think I have progressed over the last week. Enjoy!

Friday, April 30, 2004

Friday Progress - When It Rains...

How eventful can a week be?

I went to the seminar and had a fab time. enough said. No offense intented to those that were enthused about it. I still am too!

For me however it is time to look forward again. Or at least recap on the week that has followed and then set the pace for the next week.

During the coming bank holiday weekend I will be adding all my notes that I made while stuck in a Caravan in Hastings to my blog, so keep checking back.

Although for some lyrical wax I suggest you go to robs blog instead - that's where I go when I want to get a lift.

I promised myself that I would write an entry in my notebook every day while away, and inspite of having "aquired" some pens (two in fact ) over the weekend and enough note paper to keep a whitehall paper plane competition going for about 5 minutes or enough to produce a 600 000 page EU report on the dangerous curvature of bananas ...

I forgot to bring any! paper that is. Or pens. Ho hum. I'll make up some posts when I get back. Not!

This is Monday evening, around 6pm and I find myself trotting over to the Haven convenient store to find a bloomin pen and a paper pad!

My wife thinks I am a strange git, but whatever I am on she told me I should continue taking it as I am so enthusiastic these days!

So come Friday Morning and time to pack, I have a green inked pen and a pad with 4 entries - one for each day. Yay!

It ain't great content, and as usual rather self indulgent, but I am keeping up the habbit.

Now for the next week.

I have committed to do 3 actions by the 3 week anniversary of the Seminar - and I will tell them to you as soon as I remember...

just kidding, they are right here next to the expensive tea coaster I got from Mark ;o)

1. ( a daft and unchallenging one but I couldn't think straight )
categorise, write up and document my notes and ideas that I have taken away from the seminar.

2. Post my money website link on the forum for feedback
( so be warned ! )

3. Start a blog or forum on software requirements definition
This one will be a blog.

I work full time as a business analyst in a large blueish american computer company and work specifically with software requirements definitions, and although it may not appear as rocket science, getting the specification wrong when posting on elance and others can have rather dire consequences as Gary can testify.

I'm open to suggestions here for the format as it would be beneficial for you to be able to ask me questions on the subject.

Initially however, as I am website-less as yet, i'll be posting my basic observations on a blog.

Now. I am tempted to add a 4th. and a 5th. but I won't.

I have every admiration for people who want to push HARD HARD HARD, but that's not me.

So for the next 3 weeks, I will be concentrating on those 3, the First All-Weather Garden Office, and keeping my google ticking over.

Let the future BEGIN!! (sigh, Sigh Sigh SIGH! ) ( sorry about the slogan slapping.. it's like hype, I don't like it but it is so attractive and easy to fall in love with... sigh )

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Thursday, April 29, 2004

Doing Nothing In The Rain

I don't know how things are where you are today, but here in Combe Haven, Hastings - I'm beginning to realise what Noah's neighbours went through. Well, the first 24 hours of it anyway.

We woke up this morning to find that it was raining like nothing I have ever seen before. Which basically meant we had to sit in the 10 foot by 26 foot caravan all day - doing NOTHING.


To me, doing NOTHING is what a holiday is all about. It lets my brain run free.
This is when I relax and can recharge my batteries. Bone lazy some might say - but I was never built for speed. :o)

Now, when I start a successful business I can run in the same way - I'll be happy!

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

From A Salary To A Job - Why?!?

I'm in Hastings this week and have written this on a pad with a green pen. Horrid to read for me, but here you go: Wednesdays post:

I am watching yet another episode of the Channel 4 programme " Risking it all", and I can not believe how much aggravation people are willing to put themselves through, or how badly thought through their ideas appear to be.

This week a couple wanted a better work life balance than their joint £60K income could give them, so they set out to open a ladies fashion store. They did this because that way they thought they could get more time to spend with their kids.

They took action at least, but why on earth would I open a high street shop where I would have to be in the store all day ( no "manager" you see... ) if what I wanted was more spare time?!?

If you hadn't noticed already, I am a lazy sod, and to me, it doesn't make sense to put myself in a situation where my income is dependent on me being there. I already have a job where I get paid by the hour. So why replace it with more of the same?

I like the process of creating new things. It could be my project orientated work background or it could be because I get bored with routine.

So if I aim to play to MY strenghts and minimise the relevance of my weaknesses it is obvious to me that my business should be about developing new and unrelated products every so often. and market them separately

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

There Are No Modems In Haven

I'm in Hastings this week.

This part of the world is not exactly an internet blackspot, but I am on a caravan site courtesy of Haven Holidays. And I am finding out that there are no modems in Haven sites.

Normally I would expect that to be a bit of a nightmare but this week I plan to enjoy the time off. And I am keeping up my daily posts by writing them down on a pad. Gary tells me to write every day. If I can stand to write about one subject for 30 days I can possibly stand creating a newsletter about it.

8 Weeks in, I think it is obvious that I am happy to write about myself! , but I am also well on my way with the money tip review. Although I am not yet up to every day on that one. But with the content I have so far, all I need is structure.

And those modems can wait.

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Monday, April 26, 2004

Illiterate bumble bees

I think I've been on this road to progress now for about 8 weeks and maybe it's time to take stock.

When it comes to the google advertising I can honestly say I haven't developed much - at least that I have noticed. I know Gordon Bryan has opened my eyes to what is possible with it. So what I have learn about Google is that I can benefit from being a little more systematic in my research of the opportunities and a little more thorough with the keyword research.

The system that Gordon showed me, was to research the website, the affiliate agreement, then expand on possible keywords that might apply, then group them together & research their quality & competitiveness.

The other thing I have learnt that I should be doing is signing up to affiliate newsletters and so on.

In the area of marketing on the internet & garden offices I have learnt alot.
I won't detail it all here, but say that I could (again!) benefit from systemizing any research.

On my money tip review site I have managed to develop alot of content. Mainly by looking at other peoples tips and reviewing them. I have also learnt abit about money.

The area where I have had the biggest progress though is in the area of self development. I'd like to think so anyway...

For one thing, I don't really mind anymore if things don't turn out the way I expected it to, as I would have learnt something from it after all. Like that sometimes stopping doing something that don't work, is not a setback, because of the benefits it gives me.

Another thing I also have realised is that the world is full of ideas but there is only so much you can do. And without getting up and DOING something, nothing will happen.

Do you sometimes experience flashes of doubt or fear? I know I do. I mean, some days I wake up and think: " what the H"LL am I DOING?"
These days I get them regularly:
" What is this Uk net marketing "Guru" REALLY playing at?!? This scam is making it out to be so simple - but it can not be - can it?!? Be wary Jon! "
The thing is - they must ALL be in on it!! Even some of the guests! That's when sheer TERROR and FEAR hits me - " This might actually succeed! ... ... THEN what do I do?"

I spoke to one chap at the seminar who in what I remember to be the first 11 days of his website business, generated a total revenue of over $25,000 (US dollars). And he wasn't lying. Or at least I believed because I had to drag it out of him!

So the Fear is there more than ever, but my "bad days" are further apart than ever. I can't remember last time I had one. I have "hairy" moments and maybe a few "bad" hours, but they don't seem to ruin a whole day anymore.

All I can assume then, is that my fear is either because of a lack of confidence or self belief - or I am moving beyond or out of my comfort zone. If it is because I am out of my comfort zone, that's a positive signal, and if it is for a lack of self belief - then I have identified something to work on. So all good really.

Anyway, what does all this have to do with the illiterate bumble bees in the subject line?

On my way back from the seminar, the fountain of knowledge, Mike Blacktop enlightened me on the subject of bumble bees.

Countless scientific reports have proved beyond any doubt that the bumble bees can not fly. The body shape is all wrong, and the wings are too small to lift the weight.
So how come the bumble bee can overcome the impossible and perform beyond its so called physical limitations every day?

Simple. They haven't read the reports.

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Thursday, April 22, 2004

One Day To Go & My Google Advertising Implodes

Tomorrow night I will be sleeping in a bed at the Holiday Inn Gatwick Airport.

I think this is the first time since we got married that I am actually away from my wife and son for more than one night. I guess it is about time as my wife for some strange reason appears to be looking forward to have our bed to herself for two whole nights!!

I have created lots more content for my product idea, but I am really not happy with the quality of my writing on it. I might start over and re-type each item in a blog. The main problem I am perceiving is that I don't know how I am positioning it yet. And that has a bearing on the language I should be using.

Although having just typed that I can hear Gary say: just make it real! and the real me isn't always unbiased so maybe I should let rip when I feel like letting rip!

And if I can start now - my google cash cow has died! I suspect it has something to do with the season so I have had her frozen to be revived again around the end of August or September, after we come back from two weeks in Malta

On the upside I am making a £3 profit every day solid as a rock from a little ebook I am promoting. That is not sales - that is the profit that I am taking home from the one set of adverts I set up back in December.

I am enjoying it while it lasts because something always seems to happen to my campaigns, especially when I DON'T play with them!

So with all campaigns bar two stopped, the content still half baked, business cards ready and a sort of demo of my wifes educational software and the participants list printed out - I think I am ready to have a few pints in the hotel bar tomorrow night!

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Forever Giving Advice!

I am crap at giving christmas presents.

But one thing I am good at is dishing out advice at anyone. Having worked in a real job involving fixing problems, it's hard not to give advice and share my experiences with people, even though my experience may not be that well established.

7 months into interenet marketing I am telling other people what I do that works for me - and I find it bizzare that I feel that I can. I should still be listening!

I guess my problem is that I never know if the advice is wanted, or needed - or appropriate, because I rarely stop to ask questions. And if I do I might come accross as very intense.

I just can't abide by time wasters, and if I can't see people thinking something over, or if they look like they don't understand me I will re-iterate things to the n-th degree. It drives my wife mAd!

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Late Nights & Little Wonders

It's been a manic few days since the weekend at work, and I have this seminar to prepare for.

I have no spare time over at all at the moment so by the time I am ready to head off to the UK Net Seminar on Saturday morning I will be all empty, if I'm not careful.

I need to dig out some business cards, I need to bring some samples of what my wife does so I can show people.

Oh and there is also the small wonder of presenting an as yet unfinished product at the seminar.

Now which would be better - presenting an unfinished product - or presenting the concept / business idea?

Those are the little wonders I have to think about these days...

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Monday, April 19, 2004

Spreading The Word: Google!

As I told you in my previous post, a friend of mine stayed over this weekend - great fun if not a little damaging to my brain cells.

Yesterday afternoon as the rain poored down on the newly moved boulders he asked me what this google advertising was all about.

I told him the gist of it, showed him some of the campaigns and gave him some of the free materials that I have accumulated over the last 7 months.

The scary thing was that I assumed that he knew what I was talking about. I even forgot to explain that the bids he placed on the cost per advert was max cost he was willing to pay...

I can't believe how much I have actually learnt in these 7 months...


I mentioned to my wife that the writing that I do here and on a few forums seems to be paying off in that it is becoming easier to write a few paragraphs on any subject.

Her response?

"Yeah, it's beginning to sound meaningful too"

I don't know quite how to take that, so until I do, she's sleeping on the sofa!

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Saturday, April 17, 2004

A Friend in Deed

Oh I am feeling rough this morning.

A friend came over from Germany to visit last night and he is staying the weekend. It was great to catch up last night but the rounds in the pub sort of blurred the conversation a bit!

And now he's here I'll get some work done in the garden. I have a huge pond that I inherited in the back of the garden and we'll be clearing some of that out - as soon as I can get him up!

How does this relate to my internet marketing business?

Well, on some days it will just be plain impossible to get going on the things you want to get going on, but if you have a clear purpose with what you do, it helps.

Today, We need to get 9 boulders moved. Period. and then after that we'll have a few bevvies.

The lesson from that? Reward your customers when they have taken the action you wanted them to take..

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Friday, April 16, 2004

Friday Progress

I sit down to type this weeks update with a nagging feeling that the last 7 days have been a slow week progress wise.

This week I am putting this up in a slightly different format as well because I can't make my mind up which works best...

The Google advertising cashcow is causing me a bit of a headache again, as I have seen a possible open niche, but not acted on it as I was supposed to leave this campaign alone.

After the teleseminar with the great gordino earlier in the week - I can't remember one day from the other anymore! - I had a look at one of my middle of the road campaigns and realised that the sales ratio was at 3.5%. Ideally I want to get this over 5.5% so I have been trying to weed out the keywords that people click on but aren't generating any sales.

I'm also researching some other possible niche opportunities that could be interesting if the numbers come out right.

Now, should I be doing all this? Well, it is improving my google advertising business, but it means I am spending more time than I have allocated to it.

I am also loosing interest with my online project, and either need to put in a marathon effort this weekend to get something presentable to show Gary at the seminar, or I have to settle for starting off with the 40 odd pages I have already.

My Offline campaign... well I did at least produce the task list. I haven't acted on it yet and I think that comes down to a combination of fear and lack of confidence. What makes ME, a reasonably insignificant employee in an organisation with well over 100 000 employees, think that I can pull off a significant product launch of a product that is the first and only one of its kind in the UK market place?

This progress is becoming more and more uncomfortable as I am beginning to learn things about myself that I don't particularly like.

It it me or does this look like therapy to anyone else?...

I'll choose to see this discomfort as a good thing though.

Back in my days as a conscript in the Norwegian Army
( Cavalry no less! )
( aka His Royal Highness, the King Of Norways, Manure & Diesel Brigade )

our drill instructor would say, that if we were not in pain when we woke up we should take it as a sign that we hadn't tried hard enough the day before. So I guess I am trying.

It is amazing how many nuggest of wisdom I have forgotten in my 33 years on this planet...

For next week I have two things to do:

1 Start to reward myself when I do well. Punishment ain't for me.

2 Put my "package" together for the seminar.

Be warned, I will be asking most of you for your opinion on the offline product. If I can pluck up the courage that is.

I am usually quite shy, appearing arrogant, when I first meet new people face to face. So if I don't tell you about it, ask me! please. All I am after is peoples honest opinion of what the benefits could be, and what you think would be the "hook" to use to get people to spend around £5000 on this product!

More on that next week.

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Thursday, April 15, 2004

What a Mystery

I have my hand in so many money making pies it's getting confusing.

I still have a full time job.

In 2001/2002 I got involved in a catalogue based MLM organisation. Made a profit too - without even having a team.

Then I moved on to a new MLM organisation in January 2003. Tragic. But holding on to is as a reminder!

Now I've been earning good money on google adwords since October.

And I sell things regularly on ebay. Not for profit, but to clear out space in the house.

But my latest money earning scheme is really good fun, but also tremendously hard work. I do however get to go to restaurants, pubs and shops and buy things - for free. This is mysteryshopping, and I only got into it because a distant friend does it.

Sounds like a great job doesn't it? free food, free things, free cinema visits and so on?
Don't believe it! Those books and directories that are for sale have one thing in mind: earn their writers money.

Now, I might write a book about mystery shopping one day - but I won't reveal where I get my jobs from - why would I - I don't want the competition!
If I did - I would tell you about the sort of things that happen to me while I am doing it, the mishaps and the things I learned from it.

But anyway, the lesson today is:

Solo - in Solopreneur does NOT mean doing only ONE thing - It means working FOR your self and on your own.

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

I Know Something!

This evening I was listening to the teleseminar with Gordon Bryan, A UK based Google Adwords success story, and although I understand that he is putting in alot more effort than me, I also found out that there are things I know about what works on google adwords that others may not be aware of.

Gordon and I knew lots of different things about the same subject! Not that you'll hear that when the recording comes out cause I was too busy writing down the things that Gordon knew that I didn't!

and based on my research background I found yet another idea for a product I have the experience to develop!

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Monday, April 12, 2004

Loosing Focus

I'm 45 minutes into my writing hour and I am writing on my blog when I should be writing on my e-book.

I have also been far short of my targets this week but at least I am progressing.

What this post is about though is that my fear is doing something to me.

I was talking to my wife about my offline venture and Rich Dad Poor Dad when she kindly reminded me that my


always help me find reasons why things won't work.

It is basically all excuses not to try and I have to find a way to get over that. I think focussing on one thing at a time might help but I don't seem to always be able to do that.

looking back at the last 6-7 weeks I have certainly made a massive amount of progress on a personal level. But the FEAR in me tells me I am only paying lip service to what I am being told.

The evidence point to the fact that this has happened before. I just feel like maybe I should ask myself

How is it different this time?

and how can I get over my fear and deliver a finished product in time for the seminar on the 24th?

So to everyone reading this and wondering how I can be so positive all the time - the secret is out:

I'm not.

It is an amazingly emotional ride like no other I have been on.

A trick I should use more often though, and I do - when I remember ! - is to ask myself why am I so afraid?

Fear is a friend. A basic instinct that tells me I am on new ground and that I am venturing into the unknown. Fear is there to keep me from harm, and it makes me alert. I am in a safe environment, but it is my thoughts, ideas and other abstract things that are new.

So what does that mean for fear? I can only interpret it to mean that I am growing.

Am I right? How am I supposed to know?

But it sure feels better than the alternative.

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Sunday, April 11, 2004

Am I In Denial? Or Just Too Naive?

Someone I know and respect asked me today what was my biggest mistake online.

And I failed to come up with an answer. Because I can't think of any major mistakes.

I can think of a whole bunch of small ones:

I have launched many campaigns on Google that bombed. Some for failing to attract clicks and others for failing to generate commission. ThomasCook was one of them.

Had I studied the website a little before signing up I would have noticed how heavily it was promoting their call center number. The copy on the site was directing the users to do one thing:

Call them!

And would I get paid for those sales? Nope. It's what Perry Marshall and a few others would call "leaks".

So not checking for that before launching a campaign would consitute a mistake. But I learnt to check for leaks.

I tried promoting an unknown supplier in a rather crowded and shrinking market with great failure. Cost me alot it did too as the clicks came at a price. But I learnt to back the leader. And logically I knew I should have. why?

If you want great affiliate commissions, in my opinion, there are 3 things to do to evaluate them:

1. Check that the commission will cover your advertising costs at the minimal Click to sales conversion rate ( i guesstimate around 0.5 % which means one sale in 200 ( worst case scenario remember ))
How: take one example from a fixed payment loan provider who pays £12 per approved application.
divide £12 by 200 and you get just under 17p - that is the max you can pay per click and break even, if your conversion rate is one in 200.

If I think that looks realistic move on to two:

2. Is the company a market leader?
Don't be a salmon and swim up stream - if there is a clear market leader in the market or niche, chances are most people looking for their products

- Know of the company
- Like the company
- Are open to buy from the company

So if you are trying to buck the trend and tell them of a better deal, chances are they'll ignore you simply because they would rather do business with the leader. So if you want to make money in that niche you need to back the leader.

3. Does the affiliate agreement open you up to "leaks"?
What I mean by that is, will you get paid for every sale made from the traffic you are sending them? Chances are - no. But you have to evaluate if the company website is working against you or with you. It is in their interest to try to help their affiliates as much as possible but some companies still don't get that. If the website is geared to generate the type of leads that they will pay you for then that's fine. Just watch out for those that don't.

The final mistake I am willing to admit to today is that I sometimes get caught up in chasing more clicks, when the company will only pay me for sales. I changed one word on an advert and it increased my click through rate by 25 %.

But instead of continuing to make one sale per 23 clicks, It dropped to one sale in around 100 clicks. Changing it back and the magic worked. Even though the click through rate dropped right back down again to what it was before, the all important sales rate is right back up again - to around one in 30.

But major mistakes? To me that means somethign that was difficult to recover from, and those I haven't made yet. Although the author of Rich dad, Poor dad suggest that I should aim to fail as quickly as possible because it's the best way to learn it:


Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Friday, April 09, 2004

Friday Progress

This week I have two choices.

Think of it as a week that was not successful

or think of it as a week where progress was made. But not always in the places I expected.

I have always thought of myself as someone that see things as either black or white. I still do.

Either things are
or they are not.
In my world things are simple.
And I don't think I am alone.

Here in the UK there is a tv programme that is called FitFarm and it is one of those "reality" shows that follow a bunch of obese people locked away at this fitness farm in an attempt to loose weight.

I admit that I watch this show. It is on during my "break" time, but I also find that a few home truths are revealed to me.

For Instance, one of the female participants is always upset after she's had her weekly weigh-in as she never looses as much weight as the other females. Yet Shelley had the lowest weight when she came in and she still is the slimmest of them. But because she compares herself with the pound for pound loss of others, she can't help but feel a failure.

So how she ... I want to say define success, but I'm not sure that's right. I guess in order to determine how successful she has been, she needs a reference point. So I guess the first revelation I have because of this show was that how I feel about my achievements have everything to do with the frame of reference I am choosing to measure my progress against. And choosing the wrong one can have a big impact on my attitude.

The other revelation I have had on this show is that attitude makes a difference. The people that are the happiest in there seem to be those that try to help the others by giving them encouragement, support and councel. They also compare themselves only with their past self: "The person I am this week is lighter than the person I was last week".

Hmm - I guess my two revelations are two sides to the same coin really.

The defeatist group of people would call my week not successful because I did not achieve all the goals that I had set out:
- write on my ebook 30 minutes per day.
- Offline marketing project goals
and so on.

However the positive group of people would recognise that progress has been made.

I can not deny that I have not worked on my ebook 30 minutes every day. But I have managed to add a full new chapter.

My Offline marketing project has hardly moved, but I am always thinking about it, and I have also some ideas that I need to formulate and tie it down. There are some clear tasks and a couple of clear deadlines that I have ahead of me which I have identified this week.

I could certainly benefit from focussing my efforts a litte more.

The less positive participants would say that the apparent lack of success was because I have had the flu for the last week or so. Or that obviously I couldn't have forseen the problems with the phonelines on Monday. Or that My wife suggested we'd go and see a film at the same time as another conference call was on.

The guys that are doing really well would focus on the positive side of things. They look for reasons to celebrate success.

In spite of my flu I have still been able to write a full chapter of my ebook.
I am learning things about myself and about the world every day.
I am learning it from sources I would never have considered relevant.
I actually made the decision to NOT participate in the second conference call this week because the subject matter was on a subject that isn't really directly relevant to my business YET.
I made the decision to choose to spend the evening in the way that contribute most POSITIVELY to my family and my life.

Want to know a secret about my past life?

- I used to be a Kleeneze rep.

and before you knock Kleeneze - look at your expectation of it.
Kleeneze is not about catalogues.
Kleeneze is not about MLM.
It is not about People either really.
It is about YOUR ATTITUDE to success.

What makes a failed Kleeneze rep? In your opinion?
I have yet to meet ANYONE that has tried Kleeneze,
put out all their catalogues for at least 4 weeks
and failed to collect orders for MORE than what it cost them to set up their business. ( imagine if you could do that with a franchise! )

Now, for all of you that didn't get turned off by my little rant read on:

But the people I have spoken to that have quit have done so because they had bought in to the idea that in order to be considered a success they have to build teams and make lots of money. And they felt that they could not achieve that sort of success.

Some also gave up because of all the obstacles thrown in their way - competition, out of stock, rain or worst of all - DOGS!
( I met one man at a company meeting once who had the tip of his index finger bitten off by a dog - and he was still doing Kleeneze - how's that for dedication? )

Anyway. I am not selling Kleeneze anymore. It was a simple decision of looking at my rate of return for the time I invested and for us it was no longer worth it.

And anything I have learnt something positive from I have to consider as successful because it has contributed to making the me of today be better than the me of the past.

And in conclusion I move on to the me of tomorrow.
The main thing for me to concentrate on this next week is to increase the productivity of creating my ebook. I'm aiming to have it finished by the time I go to the UK netmarketing seminar on the 24th. 14 Days. I am supposed to spend 30 minutes a day. I will increase this to one hour. 8pm to 9pm every day.

I will create a task list for my offline marketing venture today, and make progress on at least one of those tasks every day.

I also need to keep an eye on my focus. It is very easy to get distracted by all sorts of other things.

There are also 3 or 4 conference calls to consider joining over the next 2 weeks. I will have to see how they fit in with my business needs but I should really attend at least one of them.

Thanks for reading, and have a nice Easter.

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm getting better and better=

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

This is just my first test post.

I'll be adding more later
