The Adventures Of A Solopreneur

Ever wondered what some unskilled untalented, unimpressive, non charismatic anonymous nobody do to make money online?

Follow My Progress Here!

I post my thoughts in this blog every weekday and at least once over the weekends and every Friday I post a Friday Progress post which details where I think I have progressed over the last week. Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

The Perils Of Gong-Ho

I've been reading up on some military history today, recent history that is, and found two instances in two separate conflicts where a US general has ordered a full on attack without thinking of the wider consequences.

In both instances the British general who received the order told the American general to take a proverbial running jump.

In one instance, the order would most likely have resulted in world war 3 as it meant engaging ( shooting at ) Russian soldiers. The "Bear" may no longer be in its prime but it CAN fight back!

The other order would have meant the full british force having to deal with 125 000 well organised and well equiped Iranian special forces while having to deal with guerrilla attacks of their supply lines in the rear from the Iraqi rebells. Well possibly anyway.

So instead of going with the first impulse of the American, the British Reserve kicks in and takes a more measured approach. A more considered and complete course of action that resolves the situation for all parties to gain from it.

I received a note today declaring that for the Americans, Australia and the UK should be their new "untapped" markets.

But Go in Gung HO with all guns blazing and you're in for a surprise. The Australians are more resolved than anyone I know. If they decide to be successful they will be. They are smart, and very resourceful, and some of the most creative people I have experienced. Going in to WIN over them can only work by trying to work WITH them. They can very easily outwitt most others in business. You just wouldn't know you have been. Bet you didn't know that most big American news organisations are or have at one point been owned by Australians? Many of your most popular actors and actresses are Australian.

As for the Brits - as an American you'll have a credibility issue. And you will NEED a local person to joint venture with. You'd need that British Reserve to crack it. You see American businesses are perceived by some Europeans, rightly or wrongly, the perception is there, as having an attitude of "the only way to win is to BEAT someone else", and that is not something that is seen as positive.

How would you like to live, work or do business with someone that is constantly trying to be better than you, outsmart you or trick you into spending more money than you really need to?

So Ditch the Gung Ho approach and consider the consequences of your actions before barging in.

remember, before trying to force a door open with a ram, check if it's locked!

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Forgetful Freddie

I was so engrossed in getting my affiliate directory together last night I plainly forgot to post here.

Makes me wonder if I should try to change how I do this as it invariably takes me an hour or so to sort out everythign I want to write every night.

But I'll plodd on for now and see what comes of this.

Today I have two 4 things to finish: Website, newsletter, money tipsreview and the last 7 affiliate links to my directory.

So I'd better crack on.

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Saturday, June 26, 2004

My rant

I'm not perfect - and I don't like to think I am. My biggest fear is that I come across as someone who think he is all that. Things go wrong and I react badly. And that happens often. Especially if it is JOB related. But I just tend to ignore those things when writing this blog.

But today has been a royal fowl up of a day I tell you - So I will share with you what it is that will make me go off on the deep end!

Some how my so called spyware and antivirus software isn't so much blocking infections.

No, in true French and European fashion this software just sits there and watches things get out of hand, and state obvious things like - That is not a good thing to happen. Or "we need to discuss with the virus how we can best achieve a solution that can let us both live harmoniously side by side".

How do you try to coexist with something that considers you a Virus!?! Or that we consider malicious?

yet my software has no understanding for the fact that a computer virus is not something I can live with when it issues the following statement:

" Virus X is performing a malicious action. Please run antivirus software to quarantine the active virus"

Excuse me in my ignorance but I thought that would be - erm YOUR job!? seeing as you have Anti and VIRUS in your name?!?

So instead of getting some work done today, I have wasted a whole day trying to sort out my machine because some pimple faced greedy, weed head in Manilla wants me to spend money on some stupid casino. It's a weird one too, as it seems to launch itself directly off the website itself. So when I get things up and running again, a certain something in the IE settings will get disabled.

But for now, at least I can enjoy the fact that the Swedes are out of the Championship. Only I can't do that properly either as the Dutch won the match, and I like the Dutch Football team less than the Swedish one.

It's on days like these I wish I had more alcohol in the house!

But as Abbie says in the film "Cats and dogs" when asked What's wrong:

"nothing a rooftop and an ak47 can't fix"

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Friday, June 25, 2004

Friday Progress

Thank you to everyone that contributed to the Friday progress report last week I got some great ideas for products out of it, so thanks for that.

But please don't feel disheartened by the fact that I haven't acted on any of your suggestions yet! I'm a slow runner. I did say I was going to finish by Affiliate links directly for my wife, but she's not disheartened by the fact that I had not completed it yet either! (not much anyway! )

I have made good progress with the money tips however, in spite the fact that I am beginning to find a number of duplicate tips in the list I had. Earlier this evening I also figured out why my machine was doing strange things, after my newly installed Spybot software found 72 spy wares.

In short, my money website is progressing steadily. My Google advertising income has already surpassed their total from May. Although, after a few experiments based on some guru tips, my profit is currently set to come in at around £6 for the whole month. So the lesson I learnt this week is not to mess with a winning formula even if a guru tells me to. On the other hand, I would not have known that my formula or was the winning one without checking if the guru formula was!

This week I need your help by giving me a kick up the proverbial.

I have been slacking, or is certainly feels like I have, although the results seem to tell a different story. The fact remains that I have yet to complete any of my books, or publish my Affiliate directory. I seem to have been preoccupied with trying to figure out how to reduce the amount of admin have to do to maintain the website setup.

I have had a few suggestions for tools that will let me manage the website design template and content separately. I'm struggling with an issue where every time I publish new content I have a snippet of code that the template over writes without me wanting it to. Which is not nice. and creates work when I need to manually modify 60 odd pages!

I have actually found at couple of article directories and some handy website listing directories that might help me Websites relevance. The sales page front page of my website, could that actually be an obstacle generating subscribers and clicks on my website?

The reviews that I am writing I would consider to be public domain and as such might be better used as a loss leader and not as my main product.

But that is where your kick up my proverbial comes into play, because I need to begin creating and publishing my products.

So this week, could you'll please hold me accountable for producing and finishing my afilliate directory, one ebook, one Money article and one more thing which you can choose.

(dictated on Viavoice so apologies for any weird words or sentences! i have tried to check it all)

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Early Up And An Early Exit

For reasons beyond my control and firmly in the hands of my 20 month old son, I had to get up over an hour before I normally do this morning.

So after sorting out his breakfast and letting my wife change his nappie (diaper), as she does that so well, I had time to spare before having to go to work.

So I sat down and wrote a few paragraphs for my money website.

And that was SO easy!

My step daughter is off on a Gap year to Australia on Saturday so the evening was spent with her and the watching the european football championship seeing England get robbed in the customary fashion. I am not English. Portugal stole that match as the English team quite clearly had a perfectly legal goal disallowed for no acceptable reason.

But such is life. Sometimes it goes your way. Some times it doesn't. not much you can do about it except look forward to the next challenge.

But at least the Germans went out before them! As did the Italians.

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Google Cash - The Affiliate Jackpot?

It is just over nine months today since I first started with Google Cash.
I don't think I had any idea what so ever what buying that ebook would have done for me. Now, don't get me wrong but I won't tell you that the book is made me rich. Well at least not financially. With the two campaigns that I am running the the average monthly profit is only about £200 or roughly 360 US dollars.

The least profitable campaign earns me £45 of those £200. But what I find amazing is that those £45 that I earned In January and every month since, was a result of work that I did in January. So for two - three hours' worth of work on a January evening has so far netted me a pretax profit of around £300. That is so far an hourly pay of around one hundred pounds or $180.

I tell you that just to put things in perspective. Another thing I would like to say is that those two successful, profitable campaigns are my only ones. They are persistently and consistently profitable. The other 25 campaigns I have tried to run are not as consistent or not at all profitable.

The Google cash book is a great read but must be applied. Read it again today, and I learn something new - again. Reading some of the free books Chris gives away helps you improve as well.

Where the real value of Google Cash was for me, was that it introduced me to a new world, or at least a world I wasn't familiar with. I found information about people that were making money, about people that have the lifestyle I thought I wanted. But most importantly, at least for me, is that it was the first step. I'm still not quite sure where I'm heading but at least I know I'm moving. I have learnt more about myself in the last nine months than I have in the last nine years.

reading back that last paragraph and it may seem a little pompous to declare that a 45 page booklet can have such a profound impact on my life but in the last three months I have posted to this blog almost daily and you can see for yourself if I have grown or developed mentally or spiritually.

Make your own mind up about whether you think I have progressed or not. Google cash is not the only reason I feel I have progressed but it was my first step. Without the Self-Development work that I have put in and without an open mind the book would not have made a difference to my life. But without the book I wouldn't have thought to look into self development. Or to develop an open mind.

But it was my first step. And that is how your journey starts too.

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Self Improvement - A Goal or A Means?

Do you read self improvement books with a passion, lovingly absorbing and nodding to every line you read?

Is it becoming a passion to learn as much about yourself as possible? Do you enjoy reading self improvement books or inspirational books more than anything else? Unless it was to go to a self improvement seminar or listen to a self improvement tape?

Is self improvement becoming your hobby?

The reason I am asking is that I don't figure out where people have the time to spend on self improvement as I sure don't have the time!
I have a Jim Rohn book i dip into now and again. I flick through it when I am in the thinking box ( toilet ) - I have one or two other books I look through as I pass their strategic location. I have two tapes that I slap into the cassette player once in a blue moon.

And the main reason for this lack of "passion" for self improvement is that I don't have the time to do more.

I devote time to it, sure. But just a few minutes a day, as it is a means. It is good for my confidence. It helps me figure out how to motivate myself & it helps me improve my game in other parts of my life.

But if I were to devote more time to it, then it would for me at least be counter productive. I don't need more ideas. I don't need to know more about Jim Rohn. I need to progress with my projects, and the only way I can do that is bay taking action and staying motivated.

And I will read enough self improvement to learn things that can help me motivate myself.

So are your reading habbits stopping you from taking action?

Googlecash was a case of taking action and see what happens.

My money story was for me a basic lesson in completing something I set out to do. That is my achievement.

The next level is to generate the traffic, while I continue to create content and research my next venture.

Now, I got another review to write.

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Monday, June 21, 2004

Hot, Bothered and Booted.


I have a date for when my current job no longer exists.

Yet I am not fired. I will be reassigned to a resource group, where other departments can get resources they need. It's like an internal temping agency of sorts.

Could be interesting and the money stays the same - which is good.

I guess the only way to be safe these days is to adopt an income strategy that most people take for granted when trading in stocks, shares and property - the safest way to build wealth is to build a portfolio. A diverse one.

I use googlecash and Chris Carpenters ideas to build income from affiliate programs. I have 2 that make a profit like clockwork. The rest are not so predictable...

Cbmall is good to me too, if not a little unpredictable. Six Figure Income is a joke, but someone earns a packet - and it won't be you.

Hopefully my money website will help others get out of debt, while at the same time helping Pauline and I.

I mean I see why not. We're spending out evenings doing the research for the site. We put effort into it. I just hope more of my subscribers would click on all the nice links so I can make a penny or 4.

Now I'll be off to watch the football for a while. Afterwards I will write a review and do some research.

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Sunday, June 20, 2004

The Pains Of Faulty Setup

Today has been a lesson in what happens if you get something wrong.

When I set up the system I wanted to use for my website, I had no clear idea of what I would need in the future.

I failed to plan properly.

My wife is about to launch a different site. Or rather she is in the exploration stages, to find out if there is a market. She will have the benefit of seeing how I am struggling because of how I have set up the site.

I need to have some basic snippets of code included to all the pages I am creating, but the programme I am using to create each page, will not let me manipulate the source code of the web pages.

So I need to export all the files in one go, and then use Dreamweaver to add a short line of code to every single page.

I could change how I did the updates, but the structure I am using now means that the navigators of the pages I haven't edited would get out dated.

So instead of creating content I am spending alot of time modifying code manually, and even more time trying to figure out how to solve the problem...

But at least I am progressing!

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Friday, June 18, 2004

Friday Progress

Today I am a little less behind than this time last week. I have one more tip to finish for the week and then I am expecting to be able to publish the updates as normal on Sunday night.

I should also have the first article ready by then.

What I have found though is that my newsletter last week bounced from rather alot of subscribers, so if you didn't get it, I am also creating a newsletter archive where you can review all the previous newsletters.

Well the one so far.

Anyway - You won't find it there now as the update will happen on Sunday evening around 8pm

This week has been an odd week. I have set myself some daily targets, and I feel like I am moving forward but it isn't as fast as I would like it to.

The main reason this week has been less productive is that I have had to update a seriously out of date document that my wife wants to use,

namely the directory of all my affiliate links - all 84 of them. And It is taking me a LOOOOOOOONG time to retrieve them all.

I do wish there was an easier way!

This weekend I feel like I need to finish the directory as well as the latest updates for the site. And if I have some spare time, finish my pdf book!

This weeks dilemma for you:

Do I need a product I can sell via affiliates? How long does that need to be before I can charge some money? Any suggestions for a topic?

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Ebooks, Information Overload and an Affiliate payment

Over there to your left is a link called "ebooks - Printed!"

That link is the ONLY place I am promoting this utterly amazing company, simply because I haven't had the time to do anything else.

I only ever mention Marians website if someone is asking for advice or info on a good cheap printer, a print on demand & drop shipper company.

To be honest I had forgot about Marian in the last 4-5 weeks, but to my surprise I got an affiliate payment from her yesterday. My Second cheque in fact. This one was only about a 3rd of the first one, but it was still over $120!

Not bad is it, for telling people about her website, when they ask me if I know someone who can print their ebook for them!

What this has to do with information overload? I for one am more likely to flick through a book and read some nuggets of information and put it down again, rather than actually read the whole book.

Try chunking an ebook down in 2 minute bite sizes like that - You can't.

Not without printing it at least. And I ain't one for wasting my expensive ink on a book I am not likely to read every page of.

So if you think you know someone who could use a book publisher then have a look at Marians website from the "EBBOKS PRINTED!" link up the top. It's made me over $500 in just two cheques.

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

A Lesson From A Two Year Old

My son is an inspirational chap.

He does NOT give up. He gets frustrated, but doesn't give up.

He gets VOCAL, trust me! but doesn't give up until he's managed to surmount the problem.

Today the rocking horse appeared to be his chosen challenge. Might have been because he managed to ride and get off the tricycle of his without actually falling and injuring himself yesterday.

Now you would imagine that a 20 month old boy who slides off the seat of a foot and a half tall rocking horse would be a little too shaken up to get right up again, but a quick hug from dad and he was heading back on it!

I guess it wasn't as upsetting as the fall off Grandmas garden steps the other week!

But he has this impressive ability to take accidents as an integral part of learning.
If he falls he gets right back up again, checks himself and starts over. Unless the check reveals a pain that needs soothing, a wound that needs cleaning or a hurt ego that needs boosting.

He is constantly expanding his comfort zone, and if he bumps into something a little more violently than expected, he retreats for a few seconds as if to get reassurance that he is on the right track inspite of the pain.

And once he has that reassurance he gets going again.

When he gets older we'll have to teach him how to reassure himself I suppose as some day he'll have to rely on his own ability to motivate himself to try again.

Although at the rate he is going at the moment I doubt there ever will be a problem with his motivation!

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

It's too hot today...

The european championship is on TV, It's aeriously hot outside, the sun is shining the beer is cold and where am I?

Enjoying researching information for my website - and enjoying it.

I think I need to invest in a fan for the office though as it's right under the eaves of the house and on the sunny side...

and I will add two more tasks to replace the two I completed yesterday. I have a rolling to do list with only 4 tasks on it at any one time. Or, I suspect, a minimum of 4.

Because once you get going there is always something else to do...

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Monday, June 14, 2004

The Power Of Positive Thinking!

The electronic ink is not even dry, and what do I find?

A free, ready to go, independent forum site where I can create my own money website forum!

I just asked the question, and there I already have an answer!

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Thinking For Progress

This evening has been a long hard slog.

Well not really. I have 4 items on my to-do list and I have finished two of them and started on the other two.

What I have found in the last couple of days, is that if I write down my tasks around 7:30 - when I am allowed to start playing with the "net" - it is significantly easier to stay on track.

But do you have a voice in your head that constantly asks you: "that thing you're doing now - is that progressing you towards your goals?"

Somehow I have. I can't tell you when it started, but it is recent. It is as if my brain is looking for ways to help me progress, and every so often, instead of throwing negative statements at me, it's simply asking me if i think I am doing the right thing.

Again, I have no idea when this started, but it might have something to do with how I talk to myself when I am up against a challenge.

Instead of I can't, I try to say how CAN I? Don't get me wrong, if I can't drive- I don't ask myself how can I drive, but rather, How can I get to where I need to be?

A better web based example is related to the way I am setting up my website at the moment. Money is an issue, in that I have chosen not to get into debt to finance my adventure, so if I want an auto responder or a forum I want to look for more creative ways to achieve things without spending money left right and center.

So I would ask myself:
If I don't want to spend extra money getting those things, how can I get them anyway?

I bet you just thought of at least one possibility right?

See? that's how your brain works. Ask it a question, or tell it something, and it will go all out to find you an answer, or to carry out your instruction.

So are you telling your brain that it CAN'T do something, or are you asking it for help?

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Weekend Progress Update

A couple of weeks back I mentioned that my wife and I had decided to have little meetings every saturday to discuss how we wewre going to progress thing in our lives.

We haven't really been doing it, but yesterday we had an open discussion about various things and as a result I have some clear rules for what times of day is family time and when it is online business time.

If you have a family, and find this internet business really interesting, then remeber why you are doing it, and prioritise some time for your family.

I haven't done that for a while, which is just stupid. I am doing this to get more time with my family, and this weekend has given me the opportunity to adjust my time. If I can't finish what I have on my to-do list in two to three hours, then I have to get up earlier in the mornings and work then instead.

But for now, I am off to sit in front of the mirror and get used to seeing myself in my summer hair cut! It's the first time EVER I have shaved off my hair, and it is taking some getting used to!

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Friday, June 11, 2004

Friday Progress - Have Your Say

I'm going to be quick today.

There is one simple reason - I am behind on my money website!

This week I have listened to the uk netmarketing seminar cd's and it's fantastic how much it re-enforces what I learnt on the seminar!

However I am still struggling with getting the 7 money tips to a state where I am happy to publish them. But there WILL be 7 new tips up there before Sunday tea time ( 1800 hours - 6pm GMT)

I am also changing the design ever so slightly based on the feedback I received.

Last week I took on board 3 suggestions for what to do next:

1. create an email sig
2. find forums
3. write two articles and find article directories

My positive spin on this week is that it has been a week of consolidation. The truth of the matter is that I just haven't been focused nor productive.

Google is going good at the moment, and I am spending less and less time on it - so little in fact that I can go days without checking it. That is because I know my two campaigns make me money.

On those three things Gary suggested - I have greated an email sig, and I use it on my moneysite email addie:

Imagine Your Income Got Cut By 60 Percent
How Would You Cope, Moneywise?
to find the solutions

I have registered with two money websites that have forums and I am roaming around there a little at the moment.

I have 2 ideas for money articles, but haven't written anything yet:
1) A short one asking my subscribers what they would like me to cover in future articles
2) "Think yourself better off - Top 10 mental exercises for a fatter wallet"

I will get the money review content delivered by Sunday tea time.

And on to your part.
1. Should I write both articles or just one of them? if so, which one?
2. How can I improve my email signature? ( I am not out to target the desperate, but those that are money aware, but would like to learn more, and those that want to get a bit more creative with their money spending habbits )

And that's it for me tonight. Time for some sleep as I have to get up and buy the current weeks number one CD Single tomorrow morning on behalf of a mystery shopping company. So if anyone watches the cd chart tomorrow and want the number one single, let me know!

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Pre Progress Report Update.

Usually on the night before a Friday Progress update my office is a hive of activity, but not tonight. Apart from coming down with something that feels decidedly flu like, and makes me sound sexier than rod stuart on heat I had a work doo to go to.

But I did manage to get myself on a course to help my business move forward.

If I can take a lesson from today it would be that it is far easier on my life if I get things finished ever so slightly ahead of time, than just on time.

I think it is fair to say I have been known to be a late finisher and maybe more than a little overdue some times. And it is a source of stress.

Today however I said to myself I would go into the office earlier than usual and work hard to finish the thing I had a deadline for today, so that I wouldn't be stuck in the office when the rest of the team went off to the pub.

I finished at 2pm.

Some how, by getting up an hour earlier I finished things two and a half hours before I strictly speaking had to.

and it felt GREAT!

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

The Curse Of Distractions

For various reasons I have found the last couple of days full of distractions, trying to get me off course. It is as if when things are running too smoothly, divine intervention decides to test my resolve by throwing a few spanners in the works.


I think I have coped quite well as I have compensated for the lack of product related progress by adding more self development stuff. And I have restructured my daily “routine” slightly so that I can create more content.


I do get the feeling sometimes that I might come across as self obsessed, or what’s the word? Unable to fail? Like I am full of my self and constantly congratulating myself  for what I am achieving, but I ain’t perfect and I know that. I think I handle some situations well, and I know when I handle things badly. But I do find that the more accepting I am of things, or open, then the easier it gets to handle things.


Because I choose to deal with distractions positively and accept that they are a part of life, then the better I feel about it.


Mind you the fact that I haven’t managed to prepare a single new website review this week yet is a bit of a worry, but I have committed to it and I just HAVE to do it.


Distractions or no distractions.




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Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Self Improved or Self Deluded?

I can remember having had two moments of absolute crystal clarity.

One was about 3 days after Pauline and I found out we both liked each other. It just hit me that she was the woman for me. We had spent about 8 days together for various non related reasons, and we got on like a house on fire. And the day we found out we liked each other ( which was a Friday the 13th ) ( we still celebrate every Friday the 13th by the way ) we sort of darted around the subject for a while and got talking.

Eventually the pieces just came together in my head and it made sense. I guess it was a bit like love at first sight, because we hit it off straight away. It's like one of those "felt like coming home" moments.

Anyway. I had one of those again today. This perfectly certain conviction that this "internet lark" is something I will be able to do for a living some day soon. All the signs that I am seeing is pointing in that direction.

I even have the same " this just feels SO right, I'm just going to enjoy it while it lasts!" thoughts.

I have clear visions in my head, and on paper by tomorrow morning, for what I want to achieve and what I need to do next to get there. I don't know about the bits in between but I trust that I will find out sooner or later.

So is this a result of me having improved myself since March, or am I deluding myself?

In my book, there's only one way to find out!

I just have to continue moving forward and see where I end up.

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Monday, June 07, 2004

Weekend Wasted?

Now, the title does not elude to the fact that I celebrated the launch of my website with a six pack of beer, but to the fact that I did not do any of the tasks I had set for myself, or those that other people have suggested to me.

I can very much hear my inner voice telling me it was a wasted weekend because of it. It is something that to be honest was bugging me a little last night and again this morning.

As you may now know if you have visited my new site is that Pauline and I live on a strict budget. It also means that all my investments in my own products & training has to come from the profits I earn online.

So I have opted to share a hosting deal with someone else.

So I have opted to use a free auto responder.

But I have spent every spare hour and a few more on getting the site launched. Now that it's there, I suddenly realise it's only just started:

- 7 new tips every week ( not a problem as I have about 40 already lined up but they need rafinement before I publish them. )
- Aim to write 2 new articles every week. ( erk! )
- Get more merchants on board for my site. ( more or less a one off - once completed, there wont be as much work going into this on a weekly basis )
- Finish two products I have "nearly finished" so I can earn from them as well.

So maybe this "Wasted" weekend was a breather? A respite to chill out and recover? I am after all doing this for my family, and so it was actually a productive weekend because I spent it with them, and not with the computer.

Speaking of which, it's sunny outside.

See you tomorrow!

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Sunday, June 06, 2004

Excite, AOL & are useless email providers. Drop them!

I posted the story below on a couple of forums today, in a bit of a tiff over the problems I am having with receiving mail. One of my (many) email providers has decided to block a number of my affiliate sites, so I am not getting my affiliate email messages from them.

No big deal when I have 6 email addresses to choose from, but it is a bit of a nuisance that I can not even tell them to deliver to me.

I know they have bulk folders, but for some reason excite/myway has decided to block emails from any autoresponder. and it won't even arrive in the bulk folder.

I wouldn't even know if this was going on if it wasn't for me wanting to test my new autoresponder for my website.

You might say I have a vested business interest in this, but could you honestly say that you are happy for excite to police the delivery of emails for you - and incorrectly?

They wouldn't even have to deliver anything, they could just have a link or something that told me how many spams they had stopped that day, and even list the address and subject. Even if they deleted the email itself, at least I would know it had arrived and I could let them know that anything from that address is fine to deliver next time.

But anyway - just like when I go shopping in town, if the service is not to my liking, I will go else where. I suggest you do the same.

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

THE STORY: - Royal Mail Refuses To Deliver Post From Nigeria

I just read today that Royal Mail is taking measures to block all post being delivered from Nigeria as so many scams originate from that country.

When asked about the genuine parcels and letters that will no longer reach their destination a Royal Mail spokes person responded that this was an unfortunate sideeffect that they could not be blamed for. It was the Nigerian government and people wanting letters from Nigera who would have to find some sort of solution.

Royal Mail had no understanding for the anger shown by people who genuinely wanted to receive post from Nigeria.

" We still deliver post that arrives from every other country in the world, could the sender not move if it was so important that their post is delivered?"

When questioned that this might impact the trade relationship with Nigera, Royal Mail again denied any responsibility: "We are here to serve our customers, the British public, and the British public must be protected from the scams"

OK, now change Royal Mail for Excite, Hotmail & AOL and Nigeria for any decent, honest online business man.

See the stupidity yet?!?

I am all for filtering, but let ME be in control... if it's junk, let ME throw it in the bin, don't make the post man do it for me...

Cheers, Jon

Friday, June 04, 2004

Friday Progress

Well It's out there! is now live, and kicking.

It's submitted to google and waiting to be spidered.

It has no meta keywords or even a title I think so you are welcome to suggest what I should do to optimise it.

Needless to say everything else has fallen by the wayside this week. Although google ads are continuing to generate income for me. Auto pilot income really.

This will be a short one today.

I know I don't want to get too deeply involved in the money savings arena, simply because it can potentially land me with a large amount of that which I hate the most - work, but I DO feel I have a lot of action items left for this one.

The audio welcome message I made for one, was fun, but needs cleaning up. I also need to finish the first pdf I will be giving away as a bonus. I also have an automated spreadsheet I use for my budgeting - or used to use now that we have ms money, so I might set up a sales page for that.

I have some mysteryshopping assignments to do in the morning, so when I come back to the computer in the afternoon / early evening,

What, in your opinion should be the first three things I should do with my site now that it is live?

I also remember saying something about having another great idea on the back burner ready to go, but I can't for the life of me remember what that was!

All in all, and even I am delivering this website 3 days later than first promised, I think this week has been a very productive week.

I have even started to read some self help books and taking down action points. This week the first one was to write in my to-do list in the time management software I have, which I am supposedly using to manage my time!

Anyway, if there was an offie open now I'd go and get a beer! I think I deserve one!

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Would you believe I forgot!?

My wife is wondering what is going on this week as I am actually quietly working away on my computer.

So much so, that when it was time to shut down last night, I plainly forgot to post a blog entry!

If it's of any comfort to you, I forgot to check my google adverts as well!

Anyway, if you fancy registering for my money website, then you can do it now at . I expect to launch some time this weekend, but the pre-registration message is up there and I will then let you know as soon as the membership site is available.

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Postponing Things A Little

I was going to formally launch my new product last night, but after having a bit of a think, and a review of the current content with my wife, I figured I'd give myself a few more days to complete the content that I already have ready.

14 of the 34 tips are missing resources, so for a "resource" based website, this is bad! :)

So I am giving myself two more evenings to fix it.

Then I need to spend the weekend finishing off the bonus pdf I am giving away...

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Forever Distracted...

I cleared my desk this afternoon. As in removed some of the clutter. Categorised some of the other clutter and cleaned the window sill.


All the signs tell me I have a deadline looming.


It’s self imposed, but it would feel great to actually get this website out there. Unfortunately it won’t happen on 01.06.04 as I wasn’t expecting the webhost to take so long to make the webspace ready for me.


Although having said that I have already visited the holding page on a couple of times. Absolutely pointless of course but it has to be done.


As all the signs tell me I have a deadline looming.


I was going to concentrate on cleaning up the html and the font typeface this evening, but as I land on every page I find that improvements can be made. So I tweak a little. I have retyped a couple of articles and tips already. The point? Procrastination.


And does this procrastination have a purpose? Of course.


It’s a sign that I have a deadline looming!




Still Progressing


= Every Day In Every Way, I Am Getting Better And Better =

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