The Perils Of Gong-Ho
I've been reading up on some military history today, recent history that is, and found two instances in two separate conflicts where a US general has ordered a full on attack without thinking of the wider consequences.
In both instances the British general who received the order told the American general to take a proverbial running jump.
In one instance, the order would most likely have resulted in world war 3 as it meant engaging ( shooting at ) Russian soldiers. The "Bear" may no longer be in its prime but it CAN fight back!
The other order would have meant the full british force having to deal with 125 000 well organised and well equiped Iranian special forces while having to deal with guerrilla attacks of their supply lines in the rear from the Iraqi rebells. Well possibly anyway.
So instead of going with the first impulse of the American, the British Reserve kicks in and takes a more measured approach. A more considered and complete course of action that resolves the situation for all parties to gain from it.
I received a note today declaring that for the Americans, Australia and the UK should be their new "untapped" markets.
But Go in Gung HO with all guns blazing and you're in for a surprise. The Australians are more resolved than anyone I know. If they decide to be successful they will be. They are smart, and very resourceful, and some of the most creative people I have experienced. Going in to WIN over them can only work by trying to work WITH them. They can very easily outwitt most others in business. You just wouldn't know you have been. Bet you didn't know that most big American news organisations are or have at one point been owned by Australians? Many of your most popular actors and actresses are Australian.
As for the Brits - as an American you'll have a credibility issue. And you will NEED a local person to joint venture with. You'd need that British Reserve to crack it. You see American businesses are perceived by some Europeans, rightly or wrongly, the perception is there, as having an attitude of "the only way to win is to BEAT someone else", and that is not something that is seen as positive.
How would you like to live, work or do business with someone that is constantly trying to be better than you, outsmart you or trick you into spending more money than you really need to?
So Ditch the Gung Ho approach and consider the consequences of your actions before barging in.
remember, before trying to force a door open with a ram, check if it's locked!
Jon ( still progressing )
=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=