The Adventures Of A Solopreneur

Ever wondered what some unskilled untalented, unimpressive, non charismatic anonymous nobody do to make money online?

Follow My Progress Here!

I post my thoughts in this blog every weekday and at least once over the weekends and every Friday I post a Friday Progress post which details where I think I have progressed over the last week. Enjoy!

Friday, July 30, 2004

Can't Be bothered! Who's loss is that then?

Do you mind if I don't bother today? I'm not feeling to good.
If I really were to ask that of YOU, I would have missed the point of doing these posts every Friday since March.
I was asking it of myself this morning. And no, I didn't read
Gary's post on "can not be bothered" until only a few minutes ago. So here goes, but shorter than usual for various health reasons. ( sitting in front of the computer for 14-16 hours a day is taking its toll

How I'm Doing This week:

Having a great time learning the meaning of migraine. Must have been something I said the other week to kimi about me never having any headaches! been really rough so I have keept away from the computers as much as possible. And that will have to continue for a little bit longer.

New things I will do:

Nothing. Not deliberately anyway. I am still looking for somewhere to send my articles to!

Things I am Dropping:

Plates and shopping. I can't seem to hold on to anything properly this week, so I am guessing it will carry on and I will smash yet another Woolies mug or a pint of milk by letting it slip out of my hand and onto the tiled kitchen floor!

This weeks lessons:

a pint of milk is heavier than you think!
Even though I had a week OFF computers through simple neccessity, I still managed to get some things done. I even have an article in mind for this weekend, and some good reviews lined up.

The value of this post to anyone else might be minimal. If any value at all can be gleaned from this post it is this:
You will have "uphill" weeks where everything is harder than usual. That's just the way it is. The fact that you are having one doesn't make you special, a victim or someone that should be pitied. It just shows you you're alive.

This weeks audience question:

if you know of any , ANY, UK orientated article submission directories then let me know, as I can't find them!


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Thursday, July 29, 2004

The Solopreneur is ill

Jon has been ill for the last few days and may not be posting here for a while.

I'll get back to you when we have more news.

Don't worry - it's nothing life threatening! :)

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Friday, July 23, 2004

FP- Doing Nothing On My To-Do List Was Good For Me

Yet another installment of my Friday Progress I am afraid. Thank you by the way to those of you that have told me on this forum and in person how much you appreciate me posting these updates.
It's a strange experience for me I tell you to have people I hardly know tell me they enjoy something that I do for my own benefit.
So thank you very much.
How I'm Doing This week:

On my blog I posted yesterday that this was a week for re-balancing myself.

Which means I didn't do any of the things I said I was going to do! I hope we all have weeks like this!
I also mentioned in the post that not doing what I set out to do made me feel uncomfortable. Maybe even a little guilty. To be honest I was really fed up with everything and everyone. But it was possible that this discomfort was trying to teach me something. I'm still not sure what it was, but it also made me conviced that I can't avoid discomfort.

If there is something I don't like, I might need to spend some time looking at why it is making me uncomfortable. If I don't like dealing with hassle that might happen on a forum like this, maybe my brain is trying to tell me that I am going about it the wrong way. Maybe it isn't trying to tell me to stay away from this sort of hassle, but asking me to consider other ways of dealing with it.

Either way, my re-balancing act gave me a chance to reflect on the old and ask about the new. and a good few people took the time to respond to my forum posts. I was particularly grateful for Andy Henrys response on a thread on this forum as it came at a time where I needed to read what he wrote. Thanks.
Other people offered words of encouragement and even gave me an ebook so I could read up and find some of the answers that I was looking for on Martins Forum. That was of tremendous help in getting me out of the midset I was drifting into.

On the day that Martin mentioned my post, I was having a dreadful day and at the end of the day, I sat down and wrote in my blog. And I had to reflect on what had happened that day. And because of the nice people that responded to me, I had to concede that the day hadn't been a total waste. In fact, as I read my post back, I had to find it quite an inspiration that people can be this nice.

New things I will do:

Well, I have yet to apply the marketing tactics of actually submitting my articles to any directories. So I will, come hell or high water, submit at least ONE article this week to a directory.
and the ebook. well. I will spend 4 hours on it this weekend.

Things I am Dropping:

The early morning writing "sessions". At least for the time being as I am as dead as a dodo before 9am - which makes me a bit of a road hazard! Shame really as the days where I start to work before 8 usually turn out to be very productive days.

This weeks lessons:
I think you'll find most of my lessons mentiond at the top of this post!

But. Maybe. Sometimes, not doing what I set out to do can be a good thing. Sometimes you just don't feel like doing what you're supposed to be doing, so should I still do it? Should I bother?
I had a week like that this week, but in spite me completing absolutely no tasks that I had set out to complete, I still managed to move forward, but in a different direction than I anticipated. I don't think it's very productive to act like that very often, but I also found it to be quite depressing to feel guilty about not doing something I should be doing because I enjoy it.

It is so easy to dwell in this guilt, and to be honest I pretty much was for most of the week. But sod it, if I need a week of rest, then I'll take a week of rest! It has also made it quite clear that the format is far more work than I anticipated, and maybe I should consider opening it up to others writing some of the reviews and articles. Or turn them into a email course, or ebook.

And I also learnt masses about myself. For instance, I am getting increasingly better at talking myself UP. These Friday Progress Reports help tremendously, but so do the daily posts on my blog. Like a diary, they make me reflect on the days events, and because I focus on the positive lessons I can extract from the days events, it makes me feel good.

Which can't be bad ;o)

This weeks audience question:
Would it be useful to have a website with all these little reports collected in one place? I have a fair few by now, and the philosophy is getting clearer in my head

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Thursday, July 22, 2004

A Re-balancing week

While contemplating this weeks Friday Progress report that I will be writing tomorrow, I can't think of anything that I have done to bring my business forward this week.

though if pushed, I would admit that having found a public domain book on money savings was a great help, and I have also spent the week reflecting.

The week has without a doubt felt uncomfortable, which must mean that I am stretching a boundary somewhere. Or I am coping with a new challenge or something.

Politeness out of the way, had I not had this blog to write, which I haven't done every day, This week would have turned into a right crappy one.

But I asked some questions on various fora and I got responses. And the fact that people were willing to answer my plea, was an inspiration. I can safely say THAT was the single most important factor that kept me out of the abyss. Because this blog made me reflect on the magnitude of their actions.

That sounded rather pompous. What I mean is that this blog allows me, at the end of every night, to contemplate on the positive things that have happened in my life on this day, and because i do that, any "bad moods" don't linger as long as they used to.

I think tomorrow some people need to be thanked.

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Words Fail Me!

Energy has now been missing from my life for well over a week.

Burnout or what ever it is, I needed a day off from work today, and it made a little improvement.

I should consider myself lucky that I have a choice I suppose, but there you go.

At least, I still remember the YEAR I first met my wife - My wife doesn't! :o)

She had to ask me today when it was we met. I presume it is for her blog entry. Should be a nice long read when she's done.

I have received so much help and advice from so many people over the last few days, showing me where I can find answers to my questions about what to do with my future.

I must admit I find this quite inspirational, as most of these people don't know me from Adam, but are still very willing to offer understanding, guidance and answers with no particular self interest in mind. Not that I could notice anyway.

This new "idea" in my head is one that has cause a lot of havoc in my world lately. Like most new ideas do to me. Which is why I told myself to avoid those sorts of experiences back in March. I guess it's time to refocus.

But I thank my dreams for showing me what to do ( I hope!) and I am sure I will be able to answer the question:

How can I solve this problem of mine?


Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Monday, July 19, 2004

Meeting Of Minds

The seminar on Sunday was good. Tiring, like anything challenging, but very interesting and very inspirational.

There were a lot of eye opening moments there for me. I knew the speaker very well and I also know his philosophy quite well, but I am not an avid believer in self development.

I do in fact think too much of it can be a bad thing because developing the self can get in the way of actually doing anything. There is only so much time in the world, and for me, self development rarely invades productive time. Well, that is the excuse I give anyway.

Having said that, I can hand on heart say I believe in working on improving myself. And I DO suspect I am not feeding my brain with enough self development material, but books are not it for me. I need interaction with others to learn more about myself. Or listening to an e course or audio with work activities that force me to act on what I hear - as I hear it.

And there was alot of interactivity on this seminar. And even though I thought I knew WHY I was doing what I am doing, it became painfully clear to me that it wasn't specific enough. I know that now, because I was TOLD it wasn't specific enough!

And I have lots to learn about myself, even though I have learnt so much about myself and the world in the last 5 months.

Now I just need some signal to help clear my mind. I think the fog is lifting a little but it's as if I can not believe what I see.

But thank you for showing me how I can become a successful solopreneur.

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Friday, July 16, 2004

FP - Worn out, tired, chewed up, drained and drowsy.

Worn out, tired, chewed up, drained and drowsy. I could do with an energy boost. But I am still keeping going. This week out of sheer stubbornness rather than pleasure. Although it is quite pleasing to learn that I can push myself.

How I'm Doing This week:
I'm ahead of myself again with the reviews this week, although I doubt I'll have everything ready for Sunday as I will be spending all of the weekend away. But we'll see what I get done tonight and tomorrow morning.
I've also started hanging out in a UK money forum, but they all seem to frown on anyone other than the site owner posting affiliate links.
Which is a bit greedy of them I find.
Maybe that's an opportunity there for me, as I am sure I'm not the only one wanting or needing to make a buck.
And I have promised my subscribers that I will create a forum for them. So maybe I will let that be the USP of my site then ; affiliate links allowed after you have posted a few times, added value, no blatant advertising or spam, and clearly mark the links as affiliate links.
There is one web site that does something similar, only he only allows affiliate links in one thread, and you then have to link back to that thread if people think you deserve the commission, and you have to post an affiliate free link too.
Anyway. I have also as you may have seen started to distract myself by looking at buying a business that is already up and running. It seems like such a fantastically easy thing to do, this buying a business, improve its efficiency, let someone else manage it, or sell it, and then move on to the next business. I am experiencing illusions of grandeur as I think I should consider going into Business Development. As property development is not my thing. yet. But obviously I am not ready yet as I am thinking that it is easy.

New things I will do:
Not so much a new thing, but I have yet to submit any articles anywhere. So I must do that.
As I am now woken up every morning between 5am and 6:30 by a little toddler who has found out how to open doors, I might as well start using half an hour every morning working on the following weeks money reviews.
That way it will free up time in the evenings to work on articles and on my WHY. Ad writing more of the articles to go in my ebook (-let)

Things I am Dropping:
Nothing is getting dumped this week. Although I am hoping the seminar won't cause too much havoc. Wen I learn new things havoc has had a tendency to follow.
And the blog is nearing the risk threshold. It is likely at least that I will drop it down to 3 days a week instead of daily. But for now I will keep at it so I can continue to get to know my dicipline guide that tries to show me the right thing to do. ( who posted that comment somewhere? It was a quote from Jim Rohn any way and it made great sense to me! )
And the web site publishing method I am using is still at risk.

This weeks lessons:
For a section starting with "nothing is getting dumped this week" there was a lot I needed to say!

Rubbish isn't always rubbish.
As I left the office this afternoon I spotted a little rabbit doing something that triggered a "light bulb moment" for me.
I must tell you that the location I work in is actually smack bang in the middle of a protected wildlife area. It is actually on what used to be the sea, but after a lot of work the area was turned from a sea bird haven into the 6 buildings that are there. But as part of the deal with the council, the company I work for had to create a massive lake and water canal system to recreate the environment some of the wild life that was there was used to.
It works. There are stork like creatures there, Cranes I think they are called? Huge solitary creatures they are, mainly hated by gardeners with ponds because they come and pinch the really expensive karps. We have loads of various ducks, massive pigeons, and lots more that I have no idea what is. And Canada Geese. Tons of them. They eat grass like there is no tomorrow. Only it comes out like grass as well. Everywhere. But some how, by the next morning the Canada droppings have vanished.
I was assuming it was the cleaners and janitors that cleaned this up, and maybe it is, but this little rabbit I saw was nibbling away on the Canadian "deposits" with as much gusto as the Geese ate it. and it makes sense. The grass must come out as fast as it is being put in, so a lot of the nutrition might be left in it. And it saves the rabbit a lot of work if he only has to find a ready made grass pellet a la goose to get a wholesome meal.
So maybe that's how it all vanishes in the night. As the site has vermin like levels of rabbits right by the buildings.
So I got a lesson in reuse. What is no longer required by some - to put it delicately - can be life saving for someone else. Or indeed a delicacy! To me it was a reminder that opportunities are can be found in the unlikeliest, and sometimes unpleasant, places.
So next time you step in some Goose pooh, feel sorry for the rabbit whose meal you just ruined.

This weeks audience question:
If a tree falls in the forest, onto a little cabin, was it the trees fault or the cabins fault that the roof caved in?
Can think of anything important to ask. If you want to tell me something feel free! :o)

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Weekend Break

I'm away this weekend on a seminar for the mind so I am hard at work with my money website, trying to get my article written, trying to write the newsletter, trying to get some more written on my ebook ( I seem to contantly change my mind about how to structure it, and I think I have found it this time, and in addition to twelve ( or 9 ) quick ways to improve your personal finances fast, there are 9 ( or 12 ) articles to be written on each of those subjects as well.

So keep your eyes out for it when it is ready.

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Entrepreneur Or Just Pretending?

As you may have gathered, I have this week managed to distract myself a bit by looking at the possibilities of buying a running business, or a going concern I thing the expression is.

I asked the question on a couple of forums and I got some answers, which is great.

It is also a bit worrying as it has firstly made me aware that I knew very little about this, and secondly, it is more interesting thinking about this than it is to do what I know I need to do to run my other website well.

So off to contemplate some more!

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Lifes Little Cross Roads

I have been in the interesting position of knowing my job was going, for a few months now.

I already know that I won't be made redundant but rather redistributed to other tasks.

I think I am getting more stressed about this than I first realised, but my biggest issue is that this deal I am getting makes me feel like I am being paraded along this vast panorama window showing this fantastically lush green field on the other side, only there is no way I can get there without smashing the glass.

With a settlement package I would at least have a buffer for a few months where part time jobs earning me 30 % of what I am making now would be sufficient to keep us going a little longer, while I try to build my empire.

I do not cope well with money worries. I shouldn't say this i suppose as I co-founded a website with my wife on the subject of money. The truth of it though is that I need to feel in control, and creating that website makes me feel like I am taking a little control. When Pauline was made redundant I was perfectly happy with the situation as we had enough to live on for quite some time, because she had a package.

But I got picky about things like her spending £1100 on a "new" older and cheaper car. Especially since she hadn't sold the old car. And I take no satisfaction in the fact that she never sold her old car she was supposed to replace, and now the old heap she bought is sitting in front of our garage rusting away, Sorn'ed off the road, not tax, no MOT and no Insurance - and we'd be lucky to get £50 for it. Those sorts of thigs stress me out.

And if I had no job I think I'd be even worse. I'd certainly want to have full control, and that is not something Pauline would be comfortable with, as she wants independence. if you've read her money articels you'd know part of the reason why!

You'd have to register on =The Money Tips to find out.

I have logically no problem with her desire to be independent with her money, but she spends her money like I spend my time - it could have been spent wiser!

My dad would have told me to hold fire until at least I know what sort of offers are available from the redeployment office, and I can almost hear him speak to me.

What he would have told me? Think of the money! You will have some days that are horrible, and some that are worse. Once in a while it's fun too. But on the bad days just grit your teeth and get on with it. I think this piece of advice is the one piece of advice that I recite to myself over and over again. I could almost say it is the best piece of advice he's given me.

Almost, because the best piece of advice he gave me was during his speech at our wedding, before the cancer in his brain got too bad. It was worse than we realised obviously, but even in a foreign language, he never faltered and had the guests laughing singing and welcoming Pauline in unison into our family.

As a public speaker, it is him I will always strive to become like, and it is in his memory I want to achieve my potential.

With that perspective in mind, it seems so daft to spend my days doing a job that is damaging my health, simply because of the money.

His advice?

"Make sure you always get the final word in any argument with Pauline. And make sure those words are:

yes love"


Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better

Monday, July 12, 2004

How Taking An Evening Off Was A GREAT idea!

It took me a fortnight to get around to it, but this weekend I have by any measures had a good weekend, Simply because I had a "holiday" Deadline. or more importantly a DATE!

Usually I spend my Sundays frantcally trying to finish everything I need to finish for my Money websites Newsletter. And I manage to get it out there around 11 pm - if I am lucky. I am lazy you see and have been working on trying to remove the bad habbit of doing everything last minute.

Although I published it around midnight last night, it was by far the internet accomplishment I will cherish the most for a long while.

The reason was that for the first time in the 5 issue old life of my weekly newsletter, (creativity was in short supply when I gave it the cunning name of "Newsletter". Note the Capital N. Business Consultants would have charged me thousands for that!)

now where was i?

Ah. Yes, we published a full set of articles AND Reviews. Plus I had a great time at the cinema suffering through a dreadful Harry Potter film. The reason it was great in spite of the film was that we had accomplished what we set out to do by the time we had to leave to get to the cinema in time for the film.

The website was updated and it was only a question of sending the emails, but the autoresponder website was slow to, well, respond.

Had I known how dreadful the film was I would have made Pauline wait until I had published the newsletter, but we were running short of time so I decided to leave it until we came back.

Shrek 2 Started 10 minutes after Harry Potter you see...


Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Sunday, July 11, 2004

Pizza, Popcorn & Pepsi

Our weekends are pretty much a fixed routine:

We have a lazy day on Saturday, and I make the Saturday family treat. As my mothers secret pizza recipe comes out it strikes me that I should remember it by now, but I never do. Not that it's complicated, but get the measuremetns wrong and the end result isn't the perfect pizza.

Sunday comes around as early as 6am when my son, who now has figured out how to open doors, comes out of from behind his, walks into the bathroom. Stays there for a minute or two refreshing himself, and then comes into our room to greet us.

Goodness knows what he does in the bathroom as he's not even two yet and he can't reach to see the mirror, nor is he tall enough to get up to the toilet seat!

Once the breakfast is out of the way we usually have a half day trip out somewhere just to get out of the house and have a break. And then I work like mad in the afternoon and evenings. And to be honest I think my wifes life right now is pretty mundane and booring.

So this evening instead there will be popcorn and pepsi as we go to the cinema while Thomas gets to enjoy a babysitter. A rare treat indeed, which is one of the dangers of running my own internet adventure I suppose.

In the excitement of making money it is easy to forget why I am doing this in the first place. But on the upside, knowing that I had this evening off has also made me focus more on getting things finished and ready for my website sooner. And I am in fact ready to publish now. All I have left to do is write the newsletter, import Paulines article - when I get it from her - modify the html files, all 80 odd them, and publish them to my staging directory for testing before publishing them and the newsletter later.

Subscribers will find out if I make it!

My Money Website

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Friday, July 09, 2004

Friday Progress In New Clothes

Hi, I'm trying a new format this week. let me know if it's any better than what I've done before. The format that is!

How I'm Doing This week:

It feels like a mixed week as I did get my money tips out, although a lot later than I wanted to. I also blatantly forgot to work on my ebook.

I have maximum of 15 hours officially to my disposal every week- but I probably do more like 25. I know I spend maybe 4 to 6 hours on adwords and the rest on blogging, articles, newsletter and reviews. Oh and time wasting. And website issues, learning new things and learning about myself.

The list is longer than I remembered it to be, but at the same time it's not much of an achievement. More than Nothing is better than nothing. Sets me apart from 95 % of people out there aparently. But I am stealing 10 hours of sleep or family time every week which in my book is bad.

New things I will do:
I am not going to mention new goals or anything on Fridays any more. I will do that on my weekend post instead, with an update on progress mid week.

What I will do on Fridays instead is in this section I will mention my weekly Kaizens - my new things that I am going to start doing.

A KAIZEN is a small, insignificant step, but one that brings progress in one way or another. I might mention as few or as many as I feel like.

Things I am Dropping:
This week, that would be to publish my weekly goals on a Friday. I will do that on Sundays most likely, after publishing my newsletter

This weeks lessons:
I always seem to learn a lot every week. This week for instance I have realised that whenever I have to write these Friday progress reports, the list of things I have done and achieved is always longer than I imagined it would be. And it feels nice to discover that every week! I start out writing things like: " It's been a mixed week - I have only done this, that, the other, that bit, the other one, and this one over there and another one too. Plus the two I forget every week. So all in all I've done quite a a lot!" which get a bit contradictory! But it still feels darn nice to discover it!

It has also (finally!! ) begun to sink in that when I don't feel like doing something - I should just go and do it straight away. Not only does that make me "challenge my comfort zone" which supposedly is quite important, but it means I won't be wasting time thinking about doing something that might be uncomfortable.

A third and final lesson is about Gurus. I just had confirmation that they are nothing special. They just got lucky, and some of them forget this and THINK because people come to them with generous JV offers that they ARE special. Someone that started learning what I want to learn a day before me can be my expert. They do after all know what it is like to go through their first day learning the subject. So just like it is among mortals, gurus can be dumb too.

It just strikes me as odd that when they concentrate on building up a reputation, they are more interested in making a fast buck than to protect their brand name. Not that I have one worth protecting yet, but I most certainly wouldn't like to stake my reputation on a bad, illegal or ethically questionable product. But they have revealed themselves to be human after all.

This weeks audience question:
Would it be better to have your newsletter come out on a predictable day and time, or randomly within each week?

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Thursday, July 08, 2004

I'm DMOZ 'ed

Found out yesterday that I should submit my site to to get it known.

Actually, I have known about the site for a while, but hadn't dared submitting in case I got rejected.

Thankfully, a few of my online friends told me to get over myself.

So I did. And now I'm DMOZ 'ed and waiting.

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Midweek Moan - Indenendent or Independant?

The mis spelling above is one of the things that really get on my nerves.

I know it shouldn't as I am the worst speller ever, but when the wrong version gets into print, or in some advertising material it really gets me going!

Someone can have a dependant who is dependent on them, but only until they get their independence. After that the dependant becomes INDEPENDENT!! Not BLOOMING in de pendant!!

Makes me think of something embedded in a necklace! ( I should really check the spelling of necklace as I'm not sure what it should be... yup it's correct )

It it completely irrational of me but before you send me another offer to become financially independant, include the bloomin necklace you're embedding the 'financially' in!

Oh, and I have checked with, there is no independance either, but I am sure if you speak to Parker pens, Sony or the manufacturers of BIC pens they can come up with a pen shaped mp3 dance music player for ya!!

That is actually a good product name for a pen shaped mp3 player...

Come to think of it... hmmmm

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Monday, July 05, 2004

Weekend Update

This weekend has on many levels been one of contemplation and reflection.

I'm not sure what brought it on, as it isn't an "online anniversary" or anything.

My friday progress reports only started in March, and I have been promoting with adwords since about September. So it couldn't have been that.

Regardless of the cause of this bout of reflection I still spent most of the spare time of the weekend to think about how I could organise my online ventures differently to save myself some time. I have two and a half hours to my official disposal every evening, and up to an hour of that would usually be spent writing to this blog. The remaining hour and a half, which should be lots of time, is spent on Adwords and money tip reviews, which leaves no time for research into new markets, never mind preparing for the newsletter & articles I need to write every Sunday.

Which I have yet to publish this week by the way. In addition I should be submitting articles and posting on money saving forums.

My excuse is that I need more time to do it all. To be honest, I am beginning to think that no matter how much time I had, I would still not have enough of it.

I am also wondering what I could do in ways of creating products I can charge for.

For now I guess I should take care of my back ache.

Hmmm. Maybe 48 hours stuck in a bed with backpain could have caused this contemplation?


Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=

Friday, July 02, 2004

Friday Progress

Last week I gave myself three things to finish in addition to the usual seven reviews. I committed to finishing my afilliate directory, which I have. I committed to writing an article for the Money Review, which I have. I also said I would finish my ebook, which at the moment is with the proof-reader. That would be my wife by the way.

I will let you guys tell me if that means I had a good week. You need to consider that I actually have not finished the book yet. I will be spending the next hour working on my money tip reviews, because I just need a break from this book, but as I am babysitting tonight I'll have the rest of the evening available to work on the book.

I don't know if you have tried writing a book, and I distinctly remember telling Pearson just to get on with it, when he was saying that he had problems and self-doubt when writing his. Or if I didn't tell him I certainly thought it. Now that I have actual experience I can only humbly apologise for my simplistically ignorant and inexperienced opinion. Now that I know what he means!

Anyway, I have somewhere between seven and 14 Money Tips to review and to find afilliate links for in time for Sunday's News Letter. So if you don't mind I'm just going to get on with it.

This week I would be grateful for if you could tell me if you think a forum would be useful on my website, and as it is a low-cost, low-budget production, if you know of any free solutions that are any good, and the that I can put on my website then let me know. I can't take any PHP based stuff. I already have a hosted forum I am testing, and I could hide the fact with frames I suppose, but I would not be in control of the adverts.

What's your views on this?

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=
( Dictated on Via Voice )

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Pre Friday Update

Well I am on track to get 2 of my 3 things completed this week.

In fact the article I promised to write I have written. The affiliate directory will be finished within the next 20 minutes, in it's raw and crude format for my wife to play with.

The pdf is near enough complete, and I could very likely get something "finished" tonight - but like so many others, I am now getting a sever case of self doubt about it.

but heck, the booklet is going to get released for free initially to my subscribers of the money tips review. The links will be UK specific, but the advice applies universally I would think as it is my reflection on how I approached the financial aspects of dealing with my wifes redundancy, and I would think a number of people could benefit from knowing how WE did it.

Jon ( still progressing )

=Every Day In Every Way, I'm Getting Better And Better=